the beginning

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In the uber, all four of us girls were shaking with excitement. We all stared out the window, admiring the views of Cancún. It was midnight, but dim lights and neon signs littered the streets. It was beautiful.

My four friends had just traveled 6 hours including flight delays to get to Cancún, Mexico for our senior trip. Next to me, Rosie sat there reapplying her chapstick. Rosie was a pretty outgoing girl and she always knew where parties were. On my other side was Violet. Violet matched her name and had dark purple hair that only she could pull off. In the fron seat was the mom of our group, Taylor. Taylor always DD'd mostly because she was just as fun without alcohol. Me, Sophia, was the baby of the group. I was the biggest homebody of us all, although they always dragged me to the nearest party ever weekend. They always got onto me for being too shy, which annoyed me.

"Guys! We're here!" Taylor squealed from the front seat. Our driver pulled into the resort parking lot and dropped us off.

The four of us have been saving for this trip since we all got our first jobs at 16. We had been working our asses off for two years to accomplish this trip. Now that it was happening, we were ecstatic.

We walked into our resort room with two king beds and we all instantly ran to the balcony to look out at the view. We all awed in amazement. The beautiful waves hit the sand and the moon glistened perfectly off the water.

After the excitment wore off, the girls started taking off their makeup and claiming beds.

"I wanna sleep with Sophia!" Taylor yelled.

"Hey, what about me?" Violet asked sarcastically.
"Vi, you are the most restless sleeper I've ever met. I'm not sleeping with you ever again after that school trip." Taylor sighed and laughed.

Violet crossed her arms dramatically.
"Yeah, I'm with Taylor on this one, Vi." I said, throwing my hands up in defense. "You're kind of squirrly when you sleep."

"Oh great, so now i'm stuck with her?" Rosie sighed.

Violet laughed and then put her dramatics on again.

Eventually, we all crawled into bed. In 10 minutes, all the girls were passed out. I have insomnia so I basically never sleep until 3 am. I tried closing my eyes, but my efforts failed.

I sighed and got up out of bed and traveled to the balcony, hoping the waves would calm my restless mind. I leaned over the railing and took a drag of my juul. Letting the smoke, exit my mouth kind of looked beautiful with this view.

"Can't sleep either?" I heard a low, gruff voice say.
I about shit my pants. "Oh jesus!" I yelled, throwing a hand over my racing heart.

"Oh shit, my bad." the voice to my left said laughing quietly. I looked over at the voice and a young man leaned over the railing, mimicing me, was shirtless and wearing athletic shorts that hung low on his waist.

"Uh, yeah." I said, taking another hit. It was kind of weird to talk to each other through balconies.

"Yeah, me either." The moons reflection grazed his features briefly. The man's face was chizled with a little scruff along his jawline. I could tell his eyes were dark and I could also see how strong he looked. He looked tall, much taller than me.

"Do you just stand on balconies and wait for someone to talk to?" I asked, sarcastically.

He hung his and laughed. "Not particularly."

I laughed, not knowinf what to say.
"Did you just get here?" He asked.
"Yea like an hour ago," I said, inhaling the nicotine.

"Nice, me and my buddies got here at like 3." He said motioning inside his room.

I nodded, not very interested. Only weirdos talk to random people on balconies. No matter how good he looked in this moonlight.

"Where you from?" I asked, making conversation.
"LA." He said. "You?"
"Funny, Us too." I said, motioning towards my friends.
"Wow," He smirked. "Small world."

I was not good at talking to boys. But all I wanted to do was talk to him, he intrigued me.

"Well, I better get to bed." I said, stepping away from the railing.

"Wait, whats your name?" He asked stopping me and facing me. I finally got a full look at his sculpted body. I had to tear my eyes away to answer him.

"Sophia Ramirez." I said.
"Noah Centineo." He said. "Will I see you again?" He asked.

"Maybe," I said, not meaning for it to sound flirtacious as it did.
"Then I'll see you around Ramirez." He leaned back against the railing, facing the ocean but still looking back at me.

"See ya around, Centineo." I said nodding at him.

I went to bed and instantly curled up and fell asleep, dreaming of that body.

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