A Rollercoaster of Emotions

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After kissing Kent in my drunken state, and sufficently peeling him off of me, I looked around the bar. Noah was no where to be found.

"So can I have your number?" Kent asked, scartching the back of his head.

"Um, yeah." I said. Kent handed me his phone and I lied about th last two digits of my number. I handed the phone back to him, smiling.

"Thanks, Sophia. I'll text you and maybe we can link up again." He said, grabbing my waist and winking as he walked away.

Even though I was drunk, I still shivered at his touch. No amount of alcohol could make that dude less creepy.

I walked back over to the booth where my friends sat. When I showed back up, they all had dissaproving faces. Especially Violet, who knew the whole truth.

"Um, Noah was here." Taylor said, obviously mad. "Oh yeah? Did he leave?" I asked, innocently.

"Dude, I mean Kent was cute but he was no Noah." Rosie sighed.

"Guys, its not that big of a deal." I played it off.
"He saw you kissing Kent." Violet shot out.

I gulped and could feel my stomach turning in knots. "Oh..." I said. I couldn't tell them that I had gotten so upset about seeing him with a girl or else they'd know I have deeper feelings for Noah. I didn't even know what to say.

"I didn't know he was here." I said quietly.
"Well when he saw you kissing Kent, he stormed out of the place. You need to text him." Violet snapped once again.

"Maybe he should text me." I slurred out.
"Whatever you wanna do, Soph." Taylor said, raising her hands, not wanting to fight. "Just know, that Noah was one of the best things to happen to you."

"What do you mean?" I asked, confused.
"He brought this amazing Sophia to life. You were amazing before but now you walk with confidence and you're brave. That's why we were all cool with you being with Noah all the time. We like who you are when you're with him." Taylor sighed.

I felt my eyes welling up with tears. I didn't know what to do. I love him but he doesnt love me back. He's just jealous that I'm not his exclusive play thing.

After an awkward 20 minutes, we all decided to call it a night and go to bed.

Once I had gotten into my pajamas, I was still wide awake while my friends were already snoring. All I wanted to do was go out on the balcony and see him. I hoped he was there.

Why was it that I felt like I did something wrong when it was Noah first. He was touching and laughing with another girl, what was I supposed to think?

I tossed and turned for the rest of the night, never finding sleep and never finding the courage to go out on the balcony.

The next morning, the first thing I thought of was Noah. All I wanted to do was ask him what I did wrong. I was heartbroken. The alcohol from last night subdued my feelings compared to how I felt now.

I felt like an old toy being thrown away. It killed me that I gave him my body, heart and told him my secrets. I couldn't believe I had been so stupid. But I suffered alone, I still hadn't told anyone besides Violet. I definitely wouldn't tell them now, all I'd get was a lecture.

"You guys wanna go to the beach today?" Taylor asked. Everybody was a little hungover so a chill day at the beach appeased us all.

Everyone got ready, but I lagged. Everything I did was slow and every outfit I saw reminded me of a moment with Noah.

Everybody was ready to go and I was still trying to pick things out.

"Wanna meet us down there?" Rosie asked, noticing my slugish walk.

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