JUST sleep

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By the end of the yacht tour, Noah along with his friends were drunk. and when I say drunk, I mean wasted. I had almost completely sobered up after chugging water.

When the uber took us back to the resort, I sat on Noah's lap this time, which Will pouted over.

When we walked into the resort, Will and his friends decided they were going to go the bar and drink some more. Which was an awful idea, but I didn't really have a say.

"Will you help me up to my room?" Noah pouted, drunkenly. I was thrilled he wasn't staying down here to drink anymore, so I couldnt say no.

Noah put his arm over my shoulder for support. Not that I could help him if he fell, him being almost a foot taller than me.

We finally made it back to his room after an elevator ride filled with drunken jabber.

He took his key card and scanned it, letting us in. Noah walked in and revealed the room much more different than mine. His room had four seperate bedrooms with a shared kitchen and living room esque space. I know that my room was expensive for two queen beds. This had to of been a fortune. Noah walked through the living room and opened the door on the right. He left the door open and fell on his bed. The room was cleaner than I thought. I pictured his room to have thrown clothes everywhere along with empty bottles littered across tables, but I was wrong, it was almost spotless. Probably due to the maids, but I chose to believe in the first theory.

"Sophiaaaa...." Noah whined into the pillow. "Yes, Noah." I said, smiling and walking over to him. "Will you undress me?" He sat up. "Not in a sexy way, I just wanna get out of these clothes." His eyes were partially closed and he had the puppy eyes down pat.

"Yes, I will help you." I laughed. How could I say no to that offer.

I took his arms and raised them over this head as I slipped his tshirt off. Seeing his chest made me weak in the knees. I wanted to kiss, lick, every inch of him. As soon as his arms were free, Noah wrapped his arms around my legs and rested his head against my chest.

"Um, Noah?" I asked laughing. "Whatcha doin?" I asked.

"I wanted to know what your heartbeat sounded like." His eyes were closed against my chest and he had a small, blissful smile on his lips. I couldnt help but grin ear to ear at the boy leaning on me.

Noah looked up at me and smiled, leaning back. "Ok, I'm done." He said, sounding like a child done with a toy.

I laughed and told him to stand up. He did as I said. "You want these off too, right?" I asked, unsure If I should really reach for his pants.

He nodded and gave me a cute smile. I brushed off the nerves and started unbuckling his belt. I couldnt help but notice how incredibly intimate this was. I steaded my hands and undid the belt, letting it fall to the ground. Then, I unbuttoned his pants and slid them down, slowly, trying to admire every last inch of this boy. I could see the buldge in his underwear and it was big. I gulped.

Noah kicked his pants off of his feet and jumped on the bed. "Thank you, Sophieeee." I loved the way it sounded as he drug my name out. "You're welcome, Noah." I said, laughing. Noah closed his eyes and looked like he was already asleep. But as soon as I started walking away he said something.

"I didn't actually need your help, I just wanted you to take my clothes off me." He chuckled from where he laid.

I scoffed and grabbed a pillow and hit him with it. He laughed and grabbed my hand, pulling my face toward him.

"Sophie, will you sleep with me tonight?" He asked with his little drunk whine. "Just sleep." He promised.

I thought about it. What would my friends think if I didnt come back tonight? What would Noah think in the morning, would he even remember or would he wake up and regret asking me?

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