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洞庭山碧螺春 is Bi Luo Chun green tea

Aromatic, smooth and mellow. Found on virtually every list of the Ten Most Famous Chinese Teas. Bi Luo Chun green tea is renowned for its fruity taste and lingering floral aroma. Its name, literally meaning "blue snail spring", is inspired by its delicate spiral shape that resembles a snail house.

It helps reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease, dental cavities, kidney stones, and cancer while improving bone density and cognitive function. In addition, it boosts metabolism and has significant slimming effects. Its unique aromatic flavour also brings unusual calming effects.


The night was drawing near, Chen was sleeping on his separate bed because his grandfather told him not to sleep with Kuan-Yin before they were married. Kuan-Yin was writing down her hypothesis on the prototype sword's core, many were similar to the previous core she used.

Crystal cores were useful but didn't last long and had severe backlashes. Blood cores were hard to obtain and unbelievably expensive so she had not got the chance to experiment with them. Monster cores could be an alternative but she never tampered with them since she wasn't able to get them in large quantities. There were many power sources to use but she couldn't find the right one. Did the sword need a high-quality crystal or blood core, a monster core or did the sword need a beast spirit inhabiting the sword?

It could be possible as the sword's metal was unusual and that never been seen before on any of the continents. The metal alone was never discovered because no one knew how to swim, but she had discovered it by accident while swimming. This metal could easily be one of the strongest and most versatile one in the world. She didn't want to reveal it as it would be overexploited as it is such a versatile metal and good material. Plus, no one would know how to make it malleable besides Jingwei and herself.

The metal could only be malleable by using an essence flame which is a natural occurring flame that appears on the continents under strict circumstances. Jingwei is a Phoenix so she has an essence flame since she was born.

Damn it! All the materials she needed was either too expensive or she had never tampered with since she never had the materials to experiment with. She would need to travel on the road again, for the materials and go out to find a mount for herself.

She had already moulded the metal into different swords for different purposes, but apparently if she had put the same core into all the swords; they either didn't work or instantly shattered the core when used. This showed that a different build of a sword wouldn't work for another sword she had created, this showed that each sword build has a different requirement for their cores.

While concealing her movement and aura, Kuan-Yin went to pack necessities for the harsh life on the road. She blew into the instrument to summon Fan, "Fan... I will entrust you with this map," she handed him the map with demonstrated a 3D version of all the continents, allowing him to monitor her movements on the continents, "This map will showcase my whereabouts on this continent, also this can send an emergency signal to only you and you alone." She already knew the harshness of the road life but she had no choice.

"Mistress, but what about everyone else?" Fan cupped in hand with a fist on one knee, "Won't they get suspicious of your disappearance?"

"I already have preparations for that," Kuan-Yin hand Fan half of the letters to him, "Send this to the recipients of the letter! Dismissed!"

Fan immediately faded away from her sight. She smiled in happiness, obviously impressed with the improvement of Fan's ability.

She had already written personal letters of farewell to all close people Second Prince, Susu, Master Zhong, Jiangsu, Jingwei, Her Father and Chen. She gave Chen a peck on the cheek and left in the dead of night, leaving everything behind to continue her lonely journey once again.

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