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Fallen plum blossoms danced in the chilly winter wind which was accompanied by the laughter of young children playing in the snow. Young girls and boys threw snowballs at each other or making snow figurines. The adults all sat in the pavilion watching their children at distance they could reach them easily if something happened. The women were all celebrating the first pregnancy of Kuan-Yin, who was rubbing her swollen belly.

The men were all nearby talking with each and playing games with each other, however, Chen was hovering over Kuan-Yin like a hawk. Wrapping her with extra clothes and blankets to cover her legs, feeding her snacks, massaging her feet and constantly worrying about Kuan-Yin since she basically died in his arms twice and he wouldn't allow it to happen again.

All the women fawned over Chen's tender care and protectiveness of Kuan-Yin who was happily receiving all the love. Kuan-Yin kissed Chen on the cheek, "You don't have to worry about me so much, " Kuan-Yin loved Chen for worrying about her but she wanted space from Chen constantly hovering over her. "You can be with the other men drinking and playing GO, I have all of the women here to look after me."

"But! You could give birth any moment! It might come out in a few weeks, days or even right now!" Chen was so worried about her wellbeing.

Kuan-Yin laughed at Chen who was running like a chicken with no head. "Chen you are overly worried about me, I have so many women here who have more experience with childbirth, I will be fine. You go play."

Chen hesitantly walked away from Kuan-Yin's side. A small kick came from within and Kuan-Yin smiled, she happily rubbed her belly. All the women giggled at the young mother who was rubbing her belly constantly, "Yin'er aren't you a bit too excited for the baby's arrival?" Hua Ling smirked deviously, "Are you hoping to have anymore after this one?"

Kuan-Yin blushed at Hua Ling's comment, "I plan to have more than one."

Chen's mother and the Dowager, "No! We want more than that! At least give us 5-7 grandchildren!"

Kuan-Yin stared at them in shocked, "That's too many."

"No it's not if it were up to me I want 8-10 children." The Dowager sighed, "I don't have much longer to live."

"You are asking too much from me!" Kuan-Yin complained, "You can ask Ge to give you more!"

The dowager started at Chu Hua with a glint in her eyes. Chu Hua shuffled next to Kuan-Yin, "Yin'er let's count mine and yours together so we don't have to get birth to so many children."

Yin'er immediately nodded her head, "We can at least have 4 each, " Kuan-Yin sighed dejected, "I have to give birth to three more."


Kuan-Yin gave birth to a healthy baby boy, Qiang Long Wei. Chen hated that the baby had taken all the love and attention from Kuan-Yin. "Yin'er you don't love me anymore." Chen leaned in the wall drawing circles on the wall.

Kuan-Yin carried Qiang and kissed Chen on the side of his temple, "Babies need constant attention and love," But, Chen continued to mope in the corner.

"I just want some time with just the two of us."

Doors slammed opened to reveal the lively grandparents, Chen's parents. "We are here! Where is the Xiao Qiang?" Chen's mother ran over to Kuan-Yin with her husband following behind her carrying gifts. "Let Mother hold Xiao Qiang!" Chen's mother scooped Qiang out of her hands, cooing and kissing the baby.

Kuan-Yin greeted her in-laws and looking at the gifts to find lots of baby clothes, food, spices and fabric. She thanked her in-laws for the presents that were given to her.

"Let mother look after Xiao Qiang for a few days." Chen's mother was happy to look after a child again. "You two can enjoy so lovey-dovey time together." Chen's parent quickly left the mansion leaving them by themselves.

Chen quickly seized the opportunity to embrace Kuan-Yin lovingly in his arms, they both rocked side to side holding each other. "Yin'er I would never hate our son," Chen inhaled Kuan-Yin scent, "I just wish that you would spend some time with me."

Kuan-Yin nodded leaning into Chen's chest, listening to his heartbeat. "Chen if we have another child would you want another son or a daughter?" Kuan-Yin looked up at Chen, "Personally, I want a daughter so l can dress her up, braid her hair and talk about different topics."

Chen smiled, "It doesn't matter if it is a girl or a boy unless I can have a family with you." Chen carried Kuan-Yin to the direction of their bedroom, "Wifey how about we make another child?"

Kuan-Yin pressed her lips against Chen's. She was content with her life right now. "I am happy to be with you."

"Yin'er be my miracle doctor from now on." Chen smiled,

Yin smirked happily, "I'm the only doctor who can deal with your personality."


Okay, officially this story has ended. Thanks to all my readers for reading this mediocre book.

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