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Kuan-Yin shifted in my position uncomfortably because of Auntie's question, "I.... well..." Pressure becomes more overbearing as she wasn't familiar with this woman even though she was Chen's mother.

Auntie's cutting graze went right through Kuan-Yin and she laughed at the poor girl fright, "Haha! No need to be so frightened! Some demonic beast are more attracted to people depend on their personality, bloodline, aura and through the family." Auntie was cracking up so hard that she was holding her stomach, "You don't need to answer this question if you don't want to." Auntie wiped a tear that spilled out while she was laughing herself out.

Kuan-Yin could only laugh it off nervously as she had almost exposed her real identities to strangers who are Chen's parents. Auntie dragged Kuan-Yin back home for dinner, "My hubby's cooking is really good and I get to eat it every day but my son is useless in the kitchen," Auntie was teasing everyone in her family, "So? Can you cook?" Auntie wanted someone to look after her son as a wife. Kuan-Yin nodded in response and Auntie dragged Kuan-Yin into the kitchen which was inhabited by the two males holding onto packages of meat. Chen has taken his mother out of the kitchen because he knew both of them would be a nuisance.

Kuan-Yin was left alone by herself with Uncle, "What can you cook?" His voice had shocked her and made her scared.

"I can cook most things since I cook for my family," Kuan-Yin's voice squeaked like a mouse.

"You don't need to be frightened," he grabbed his ingredients to make stir-fry, "You can cook anything you want with the ingredients we have here." He went to cook his dish.

Kuan -Yin nervously went to the kitchen counter, she went to grab eggs, flour and salt. She combined the ingredients to make a soft dough for the dish she was making. She started rolling the dough in thin circles until there was no more dough left. There was some meat left over for her, vegetables, spices and seasonings were all in sight. She sniffed the meat to identify the meat, pork? No... Venison! "Uncle is this Venison?" Kuan-Yin turned to him preparing to stir-fry his dish. He was surprised that someone could identify meat by smell and he gently nodded his head, grinning.

"Wow! The venison is high-quality and the meat is quite tender so I think it's a young adult," Kuan-Yin was rambling about the meat, "I can eat it again and the meat is tender so this would make my dish more delicious," She was gushing and rambling on the meat. Uncle could only smile seeing the qualities that Chen's mate that was quite different to other females which he rather preferred. He was also shocked that this young girl could tell the quality of the venison let alone what type of meat it was.

Venison is the meat of a deer. Venison can be used to refer to any part of the deer, so long as it can be 
consumed, including the flesh and internal organs. Venison, much like beef, is categorized into specific cuts, including roast, sirloin, and ribs. However, Venison is rather unknown in the four continents since normal beast lives in desolate habitats that suit their lifestyles and where there is no human civilisation. Hence, there are few people who know Venison and know how to cook it.

Kuan-Yin minced the meat and vegetables then combined them together with spices and seasonings. With her dough and filling ready, she was prepared to make her dumplings. "Chen! Auntie! Can you two help me with the dumplings?" Kuan-Yun called the two who were playing a game of chess. Kuan-Yin instructed them both on making the dumplings, Auntie's dumplings were average looking where Chen's dumplings were more disfigured since his hands were large and making him clumsy during the making of the day dumplings. While she had already pleated most of the dumplings since it was natural for her. As soon as the dumplings were finished being made it was time for cooking them.

Kuan-Yin pours a bit of oil so the dumplings wouldn't stick to the bottom and she placed the dumplings into the searing hot pan. The aroma of the venison dumpling stimulates the Chen family members appetite. Kuan-Yin dished the dumplings into a wide plate where everyone could take the dumplings for their picking.

Auntie was right Uncle's cooking was good probably was on par with herself. Chen sulked dejected because no one had eaten the dumplings he made, "No one is eating my dumplings," Chen's gloomy expression, "I feel that I have been rejected because of my dumplings!" Chen dramatically cried in pain exaggerating his expression with his antics.

"Your dumplings are so disfigured," Auntie teases Chen even more, "Of course no one is going to eat them!" She ended up cracking up laughing.

With the duo's dramatic personality, Kuan-Yin laughed, picking up Chen's dumplings with her chopsticks and eating them. She continued to eat Chen's disfigured dumplings, "They're are still delicious to eat though."

Chen's began crying because his mate still ate his disfigured dumplings, "Wifey! I love you so much!" Chen hugged Kuan-Yin lovingly wiping his tear on her clothes, "Marry me now! Let's have as many children as possible!" Chen was now making a mess of Kuan-Yin's clothes. Kuan-Yin kept eating the dumplings despite Chen restricting most of her movement. She unwrapped Chen arms wiping away his tears and feeding him food.

Uncle was sitting across the table looking at the young couple acting lovey-dovey with each other. He could only sit there and eat while his son was being pampered like a child, he didn't raise his son to be a love-struck fool.

Soon after, the morning came when Kuan-Yin had woken up early to talk with an old friend of hers. "It has been a while hasn't it?"

A huge slick body of pale lilac scales slithered on the heated rock that Kuan-Yin sat on, wrapping itself around her waist. It nodded it's head in response, missing her dearly after her departure to the North Fa Continent and her death. It was peaceful and tranquil moment, winter cicadas chirping in the background indicating the coming of the warmer seasons and also the mating season of demonic beast.

Story Facts:

Winter Cicadas are insect demonic beast that usually coming around the end of winter to crack up their shells making the chirping of the cicada. They leave their shells on the trees when they shed, their shells are versatile in various field of work such as alchemy, merchants, medicinal shops and put in herbal soup when someone suffers heat stroke.

Kuan-Yin smoothed out the rough scales that have upturned when the snake moves around its environment. The snake nudges Kuan-Yin's hands slithering it's tongue at her, "What is it Faust?" The snake unwrapped itself from Kuan-Yin springing at the stranger in their perimeter like a predator preying. Faust aggressively hissed at the stranger's unknown intentions obviously protective of Kuan-Yin. "Faust! Stop!" Kuan-Yin grabbed the protective snake by the tail preventing it from injuring someone. Faust then coiled itself around Kuan-Yin's body protectively hiding her in the cone of its body, hissing at the perpetrator of their sacred reunion.

"Intruder leave my owner and I at once!" Faust's beautiful silvery voice broke her hissing but instead threatened the perpetrator.

"So this was where you were!" Auntie popped her head out of the shadows, "Kuan-Yin I didn't know you were friends with a Faust Heavenly Snake." Her honeyed voiced made Kuan-Yin shivered in displeasure of this situation.

Faust hissed at Auntie, "I thought I told you to leave my owner and I already!" She aggressively whipped her tail at Auntie and Kuan-Yin could only see through the gaps of Faust's tail. However, Auntie was very nimble so she dodged the whipped tail attack.

"My! My! Kuan-Yin your friend's manners are in need of some fixing." Looking at Auntie's closed eye smile Kuan-Yin could tell this situation wasn't going to turn out well on both side. "Faust Heaven Snake I will need you to return my future daughter in law back."

Faust bared her fangs at Auntie, furious with her refusal to leave. Both sides were exchanging blows with each other hoping to bring the other side down. Kuan-Yin not wanting anyone hurt had to stop this fight, "AUNTIE! FAUST! STOP THIS FIGHT AT ONCE!" Kuan-Yin was angry with both being childish and provoking each other. Her unintendedly released her aura to the point almost the entire forest could feel the shockwave. She began to scold both of them even though she was younger than both, "Both of you, why did you guys have to provoke each other!" Kuan-Yin was menacing when she was scolding people.

Another two presences came to the scene with a 15-year-old scolding a 40-year-old woman and a 20-year-old demonic beast. Chen came to stop Kuan-Yin releasing any more of her aura.

Author Note:

I couldn't think of any more facts at this point so there isn't any fact for this chapter.

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