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Chen woke up before the damnable snake and Kuan-Yin to only find out that another pest had appeared because of Kuan-Yin's kindness. The damn foreign beast that nearly killed his lover was resting close by where Kuan-Yim was sleeping peacefully. His was jealous of the damn beast surrounding her because he was being pampered by Kuan-Yin. If he could he would keep every little thing away from her and keep her by his side for the rest of their lives but he didn't want to restrict her freedom because of his selfishness.

Kuan-Yi was still recovering on the soft moss bed so Chen lifted her up as gently as possible and placing her body on top of his body. He was in true bliss once he was close to her, hugging her close to his body, however, taking caution not to do any damage to her already fragile body. Facing his back towards the two beasts shielding his lover from their view, he knew about his childish antics however never thought about changing them.

Kuan-Yin's butterfly eyelashes fluttered open to shows their greyish hue that seem to be uncommon within society. The vast majority of the population had the typical black eyes. Many much have avoided her due to her eye colour. "Wifey you awake now?" He smirked at his cute wife.

"Chen I'm not your wife yet," Kuan-Yin stretched her limbs, yawning.

"I'm your hubby so I can call you wifey," Chen hugged her close inhaling her scent, "You better call me hubby from now on,"

"Chen I am not going to call you hubby," Kuan-Yin kissed Chen on the cheek, "Let's get something to eat." She reached down to the ground below the soft moss bed.

Chen chuckled full heartedly that he was holding his belly, "You say you were not going to call me hubby, " he laughed again, "But you call me hubby, wifey do you love me so much that you instinctively called me hubby?" he then wriggled his eyebrows.

"Chen Long Wei You Bastard I Can't Believe I Fell For You, " Kuan-Yin started to chase Chen around the forest trying to catch him. He would always disappear away before Kuan-Yin's fingertips could touch him, "Ugh! You annoying bastard how do I tolerate you this time?"

Chen came from behind hugging her, "Because you love me so much," He snuggles her close to him so he could savour her scent and presence.

Kuan-Yin and Chen travelled to the North Fa Continent where Kuan-Yin died before to meet with her brother's family. Kuan-Yin rushes to the doors of the residence of her brother's family came bursting in, "Brother! Sister in law! Hong-Li! I'm here!" She came into without notice and surprised the entire family.

"Yin'er!" Both Kuan-Bai and his wife simultaneously went to greet her. They squished her into a bear hug obviously Chu Hua couldn't because she was carrying a bigger Hong-Li. "Why are you here?" Kuan-Bai was obviously showing his displeasure at his future brother in law. Kuan-Bai was glaring at him while Chen has a closed eye smile and between the two was a suffocating atmosphere. The two men who were concentrated on staring each other down has been left behind by their lovers.

"Yin'er how has Chen been treating you lately?" Child Hua was speaking in concern as she treated Kuan-Yin as a dear sister, "Is her hurting you in any way?"

"Chen is annoying like a pest! He keeps trying to keep all living male creatures away from whether human or not," Kuan-Yin dipped on the tea that filled her mouth with deliciousness, "But, he cares for me when I'm injured or in a mental breakdown." She smiled gently.

Chu Hua seeing her sister happily with the man that she chose to live for the rest of her life gave her relief beyond compare. Hong-Li became fussy as he was hungry, he was old enough that he could eat mushy food. "How old is Hong Li? He has gotten so much bigger from when I last saw him." Kuan-Yin gently took Hong-li from Chu Hua's arm.

The Benevolent Miracle Doctor [Completed] [In Progress of Editing]Where stories live. Discover now