Chapter 9: New home

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You only cried more, it was your time to let everything out.

"Let it all out" Namjoon said as he patted your back while hugging you.
"I can't tell you how much you mean to me. If you really won't let me be here then I'll go with you" you finally agreed with tears still watering Namjoon's shirt.

"But, before that I need you to unwrap every bandage and give me all of your sharp items. We will also remove every knife and razor in our house" Yoongi said turning to the boys.

Everyone then looked at you with sad looks. "You know you could tell us about your self-harming problem" Jimin assured you and tried to lock his eyes with yours.

"I couldn't do it. It was too much for me. And then Rose gave me new razors to 'make myself pretty' and I lost it. Are you sure you want to see this?"

They all nodded as you slowly started removing bandage on your left arm. When you finished you moved to the thighs. There was so much blood everywhere and the cuts were deep. You put bandages away and they all stared at your cut body.

Blood was dripping everywhere because it was stuck to the bandage and you had to pull it off which caused the wounds to open.

"You have gone through so much. It's time we heal this" Taehyung said pulling in for a quick hug.

"From now on be with us all the time. Except in classes, because we have different ones" Jungkook started and J-hope added "and no more cutting yourself, you will not receive any abuse from anyone"

"And you will start eating healthy and not starve yourself" Yoongi said. Everyone looked at him surprised.

"Why do you know everything without me telling?" You asked him. "Because I got into depression at the age of 12 and couldn't get out until these guys helped me. Now let's move" he said and left the room.

You stood up to left, but Taehyung stopped you. "Wait, you are starving yourself? Y/n tell us everything we don't know yet. I want to know everything you are doing to yourself" you shook your head "nothing else. Just what you found out now" you were at the verge of tears again.

"Go hide the razors and knives and every sharp object and get her a bedroom" Jungkook ordered others as he hugged you.

"Feeling better?" He asked and let go of you.

"Yes, thanks. Also I will go to school tomorrow and I'm wondering how much time do I need if I walk?"

"You will go with us in the van" he said softly.

"You know I can't do that...your fangirls will attack me and beat me up and-" before you could finish he cut you off "no they won't. We will make sure of it"

You nodded and fake smiled because you knew thw girls will do something. If not in the hallways then in class. He pulled you with him to others.

"You don't need to worry about eating Y/n. You will go with a little food first and then later will the whole meal." Namjoon spoke to break the silence.

You were scared. What if you got so down that you would need to cut. What would you do? What will you do? What if you throw up every time you eat? What will you do?

You let go of those thoughs as soon as they opened the van door and you all got out.

Jin made dinner that you skipped and instead went to your room. They said you were gonna start eating properly tomorrow, so they let you off the hook this time.

~time skip to next day in school ~

You were currently trying to eat a yogurt with banana but couldn't. The only thing you ate was a piece of bread and water.

You got yourself in a van. Jin was driving and Namjoon sat on the passenger seat. In the second row there were J-hope, Yoongi and you and in the last one the Maknae line.

When you arrived to school the whispers were already heard. Not even one of the members said something, they just went to their classrooms. Before Jimin left to his, that was next to yours he said something to you.

"If you ever need help come to us. Even if it's in the middle of the lesson ok?" You nodded as a reply.

After the second period you went to the bathroom. A girl then came in as well and silently put a chair in front of your lock in the bathroom, so you couldn't get out.

When you tried to unlock the door you realized what she has done. You started to panic.

A few minutes later you started silently crying.

Hello guys! First I hope you enjoyed this chapter and second; so if you have Instagram and you follow Zhong you know he uploaded a video called BTS fans vs normal people (something like that). And there is a lot of people commenting hate towards BTS and ARMYs and I am not saying that they are not allowed to, but hate isn't appreciated towards anyone. It really makes me sad, especially comments like "BTS is trash" "K-pop is shit" and things like this. I know not everyone loves them, but if haters could just fuck off and leave them alone. They all work very hard all the time.

With love❤


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