Chapter 14: Nightmares

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You were now getting comfortable in your hospital bed that nurses prepared for you and boys. Your eyelids were getting heavier and heavier and soon they dropped.

Soon you felt something shaking you and looked up to see your brother with a knife in his hands. "It's been way too long, you should've died years ago!" He yelled and you looked around to see all of the boys laying in blood with cuts on their bodies. 

"Noo, please don't let it be real, please!" You cried but nothing happened. You were still in a room with 5 dead bodies and your brother.

"Why did you kill them?! They haven't done anything wrong. The only thing they tried to do is help me! Why?! I hate you so much and you know, I was always so weak in front of you, I was scared and didn't dare even say anything back...but now, I'm going to tell you just how I feel about you! I fucking hate you, and forever will! You murdered my only friends, so why not do it to me too? Oh, I forgot, You're scared! If you want me to die, you should've done it years ago! But you were scared!"

"Don't play all brave now. If you really were brave, you would have said this to me the first time I hit you! I at least have a valid reason unlike you" he replied with a bit calmer tone.

"I hope you enjoy dying you stupid-" just when you heard your brother say that you opened your eyes and sat on the bed faster than the light travels. Your breathing was uneven and your forehead was full of sweat drops.

That's when you heard someone get out of their bed. You couldn't quite see who it was, but the shadow came closer to you. When he hugged you you realized it was the maknae himself.

"Are you okay? You seem scared" you looked at him and nodded "it was just a nightmare. I'll get over it" you pulled away and thanked him.

He then went back to sleep and so did you. Until you heard banging on the door.

"Upen the fuck up you stupid bitch! I know you are in here. I will find you y/n, you can't escape me!" your mother yelled and soon you saw a shadow on your window. "Long time no see, Y/n." It was Namjoon himself and you were relieved that he came to help you. Or did he? As soon as you got up to hide behind him he pulled out the bat he was hit with and threw it at you.

You screamed from another nightmare you had and this time your whole body was sweating. Jungkook again got up and looked around to check if anyone was awake. It seemed that they were all sleeping so he grabbed your hand and led you out of the room.

"Do you wanna talk? We can go to that bench over there and talk if you want?" He suggested with a worried expression.

"Okay" you agreed and sat on the bench in the hospital on the hall.

"So, what are your nightmares about?" He asked curiously.

"It's m-my parents and brother. They keep on coming into my room and try to kill me, and then Namjoon came and he threw the bat at me and-" you broke down in tears and he hugged you close.

"I see. It's not gonna happen, trust me. I will protect you, we all will" he rubbed your back and let you cry onto his shoulder. "why don't you sleep with me?"

You blushed hard, but managed to stutter out some words "y-yeah-h s-sure".

"Don't be so perverted Y/n, I didn't mean it like that. I meant for you to sleep beside me so maybe the nightmares won't come back" he shook his head smiling a bit.

You smiled at him back"thanks Jungkook"

"That's why I'm here" he held your hand and lead you to his bed. When you layed in front of him, your back facing his face he started slowly rubbing your back.

You closed your eyes and relaxed, and the next thing you knew was all of the boys, including Jungkook eating breakfast. You looked around and saw that it was morning.

"Morning Y/N" Jin replied and only when he spoke you realized that he's been released.

"Jin! I'm so glad you're okay!" You said and hugged him tight

"I told you I would be alright" he replied to you with a smile on his face.

"We also received news about Namjoon" Jimin suddenly spoke and you turned to him.

"Good or bad?" You asked a bit worried.

"He is awake, but we still can't visit him. A nurse came to us and told us that he will be here for at least 1 week more, and then if everything is alright he will he able to go home" he paused and that made you worry.

"But, since he was hit on head, he could have a memory loss" J-hope added a bit sad.

You almost started crying again, but tried your best to hold it in.

"What will we do? Your career and school?"

"We don't have the official career yet, we only sing for fun for now. But we are planning on being a real band once. As for his school, we need to think about that. Also, we only have tomorrow left free. Namjoon's homeroom teacher called to inform us about it." Jungkook said and you gasped.

"School?! What will I do? I have been absent for so long now and the bullies won't go away that easily" you mumbled the last part to yourself so no one could hear it. You didn't want to worry them.

"Don't worry, I'm sure the teacher will understand. If not, tell her what happened" Jin said as if he was a proud mom telling her kids what to do in school.

I feel like these guys really helped me a bit. I feel better and not so depressed.

Hello my readers! Hope you're having an amazing day, I had the best birthday ever🖤🖤

With lots and lots of love💖

Author-chan (should I name myself something else?)

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