Chapter 15: School struggles

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It was now the day you needed to go to school. You were picking the outfit and Jin was making breakfast with the help of Jungkook and Jimin. 

You were very nervous, because none of the boys are in your class. But that wasn't the only thing on your mind. Namjoon was in the hospital still and you were starting to get worried. What if something went wrong? No, that was probably just your bad thoughts coming back.

"Breakfast is ready!" Jin yelled from the kitchen and soon you all gathered around the table. It was quiet, but not awkward. The calming silence lasted for a bit and then it was interrupted by J-hope, who told you "one of us will be with you after your every lesson. We don't want you to get more injuries" you nodded not wanting to anger them saying you don't need their help. You needed it, if you wanted to come home without bruises.

After the breakfast you all headed to their van. Yoongi stayed home sleeping while Jin decided to drive you to school.

~skip to 1st period~

"See ya Y/n!" The youngest, Jungkook waved at you. His class was right beside yours, so he decided to take care of you for the first hour.

You quietly stepped to your desk and put your stuff on it. Surprisingly no one said or did anything to you. The teacher came in soon and looked at you first.

"I see you are back Y/n. I'm glad you're feeling better. I printed out some papers with things we learned while you were gone" she said with a warm smile.

"Thank you" you mumbled and stood up to get them.

The rest of the class was boring, but something seemed weird. the fact that no one even looked at you was unusual. 

When you got out of the classroom, you saw J-hope waiting for you. He smiled softly and went with you to your next period; math. 


The day went unexpectedly fast, and for a change you didn't get beat up. The smell of cooked food entered your and Jimin's nose when you came back home. You both had only 7 periods so Jimin decided to walk home.

"Hey Hyung!" He greeted the oldest and laid on a sofa. "How was school Y/n?" You looked at him and walked to the counter.

"It was okay, surprisingly. No one said anything to me, and the teacher gave me papers with things that we learned" Jin smiled at you softly before he continued "if you want, I can give you the food now, J-hope has school until 3:45 so I will make him something else"

Jimin glanced at you as you nodded in response. "We'll eat now, then."

"Someone call Yoongi to come downstairs, the other will help me prepare the table" Jin cooed and before you could even say anything, Jimin was already walking up the stairs excited.

You reached for the plates and spoons and brought them to the table. You carefully folded 4 napkins and placed them on each plate one. Yoongi and Jimin then came and sat down to the table.

A minute later Jin placed a big pot of soup on the table. "Enjoy your meal" he said when all of you had food in front of you.

About 10 minutes later, Jungkook and Taehyung came and sat with you to eat.

When you all finished, you offered Jin to help him with the dishes. "you can go play cards or something with Jimin and Taehyung, Jungkookie is helping me today"

You saw the latter already wearing an apron and you giggled a bit.


This week no one bullied you at school, no one even said anything so you were without bruises. Each member gave you company between lessons.

The only problem was that you weren't in school for a long time. And because of that you missed a lot of new things they were learning. A lot of exams were coming up and you could barely keep it up.

You wanted to ask for help, but then remembered that the one helping you was usually Namjoon. And now, he was still in in hospital. You decided to try it yourself.

You were studying everyday. First until midnight, but your grades were falling and you had to try harder. Sometimes you stayed awake until 6 in the morning; the time you woke up.

Others, especially Jin noticed this ans decided to stop you. It was very unhealthy and you were sleepy all the time, which caused you more stress and even worse grades.

You kept on worrying about it, about Namjoon, and the less sleep you got, the more you were you stressed.

When it was finally friday, and you were dragging your legs home. When you entered, you collapsed right onto the couch. Your body was numb and you couldn't even think straight.

Jin, being the mother he was, covered you with a blanket and put a pillow under your head.

Then he went to the kitchen and prepared a soup, which you would have for lunch.

After 3 hours you were still sleeping and everyone else was already home. They came to the conclusion to let you wake up yourself instead of them doing it for you.

They were talking with their plates empty, when a phone rang. It was Jin's. He picked up and the doctor spoke up.

All that was heard were a few 'mhm's from Jin. When he put down the phone everyone looked at him.

He cleared his throat before speaking up "The doctor called me. He said that Namjoon is fine. He will be let out of hospital tomorrow if nothing happens" a tear slid down his cheek and the maknae quickly ran to him and they hugged.

Others joined in a group hug. It was like a miracle, he didn't lose his memory, everything was okay.

They decided to not tell you, they wanted to keep it a secret and wait for him to return and surprise you.

They cleaned the table and went to their rooms.

You didn't wake up the whole day, so you woke up the next day, when Taehyung and Jimin were making themselves breakfast.

When Jimin looked at you, he saw that your eyes were open. "Good morning Y/n. Slept well?" He asked as you stood up and walked to him.

"Yes, thanks Jimin" you answered when he gave you a toast Taehyung just made. You all sat at the table and Taehyung brought all toasts he made.

In the afternoon you were reading a book on the couch; you would usually spend time with Namjoon, but je wasn't here. After about 15 minutes you heard the front door open.

You looked at the person who entered the house. It was Namjoon. You ran to him and hugged him tight.

"I'm so happy you're back. So so happy" you cried into his chest and he hugged you back.

"Hey it's alright, I'm here now" he said and soon Jin came down and hugged him as well.

Hi! I'm so sorry for the late update. I owe you all so much. I hope you enjoyed. Also, happy birthday Taehyung and Joshua🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤 I purple you both so much💜💜💜.  Also, the chapter hasn't been edited. No chapter until now has been edited. I probably will do it, after the story is completed.

With so much love💜


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