Chapter 13: My fault

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You heard the scream and wanted to check if everything is alright, but you also wanted to do like Jin said and wait. Your mind was curious so you took a step out of the room and saw Namjoon. Laying in his blood.

"Namjoon!" You yelled and went towards him not caring if you ruin your shoes or clothes.

"There you are you piece of sh-" your brother got cut off by Jungkook who gripped him tightly after slapping him hard.

"Please be okay. Please!!" You started crying loud and hugged his cold body.

When police came they took your so called family into their police car. You didn't want to believe it.

"You put your life on the line for someone like me. A worthless being with no social life. I swear if he dies, I will repay him by killing myself as well" others were shook by your reaction, until Jimin lifted you up and carried you to your room one flor under.

"You need to calm down a little okay? I know you are worried, but don't be. Namjoon is strong and he would never leave us" he assured you.

When you came outside of his room they didn't let you go in. You were still crying.

After about 30 minutes of waiting a nurse and a doctor came to you.

"Your friend has a loss of blood and we need one of you to give it to him. If you have the same blood that is. Do you all know your blood type?" The doctor asked and you all nodded.

"He has 0-" The nurse informed and you turned to Jin.

"I have it" you spoke but he quickly turned you down.

"No Y/n, you lost a lot of your blood already, but I have it too, so I can give it to him"

"But Jin I owe him!"

"No. You must keep your own blood. I will give it to him" Jin said and went with the doctor.

~after 20 minutes of waiting~

The nurse came helping Jin to walk. He looked pale and needed someone to help him.

"He is still feeling a bit dizzy, let him rest for now" she said and left.

"He can come with me to my room. I don't need my bed anymore so he can lay on it" you said and started going to it.

"That's a great idea. Let's go" J-hope said and helped Jin walk.

When you all came to your room they helped him lay in your bed.

"I should give some of my blood too. Look how weak he is now" you complained but Jin quickly forced himself to speak against it.

"No Y/n, I'll be fine in an hour"

"It's all my fault. If I hadn't been here none of this would've happened. You wouldn't be here in a hospital, Namjoon and Jin would be okay and you could live your life normally. And please don't say that it's okay, it's not! I shouldn't be here!" You said the last part a little louder and some of other people there looked at you.

You only ignored them and turned to BTS again. "I need to go to the bathroom, so I'll just-" you couldn't even finish your sentence because Yoongi interrupted you quickly.

"Don't you even think about it! I know what you are planning to do and I won't let you go. Y/n I know it's hard, but you need to try and stop yourself"

"I can't, that's the problem, I don't know how to. I am able to at some point, but it's hard...too hard"

Yoongi walked over to you and hugged you. No one expected this from him, he was usually either serious, angry or something like that, but he never acted soft towards anyone.

Maybe the fact that he was once deep in depression too made him a little softer.

You hugged him back. For once, you felt really save being with them. Being protected from everything, even yourself.

Right when you both broke the hug a doctor came to you.

"I have news about your friend Kim Namjoon. We have successfully put a needle into his hand and attached the tube and blood container to it. He should be awake by now, but you need to be careful. He mustn't be in a stressful situations. I suggest uyou visit him about an hour later, when he will be in better condition. As for his leave, he will be able to go in about a week, it depends on how his condition will be."

"Thank you for all of the information. We will be visiting him in an hour then" J-hope told the doctor. "Also, do you know how Seokjin's doing?"

The doctor looked at him and spoke again "he is fine. But he will be staying in the hospital for the night, in case anything happens. If you want to stay here we can prepare rooms for you. Just please inform us"

"We will decide and tell you before 7 pm, thank you very much" 

When the doctor left them alone Jimin spoke up. "So, what should we do?" And Yoongi quickly responded "If we stay, we can check on him, if something happens, it would also be good for you, Y/n. If you know what I mean?"

You looked into his eyes and nodded. If you would cut or try to kill yourself, which you wouldn't even dare right now. As for cutting...that is another story. You could do it somwhere they wouldn't look for cuts for example shoulders. They wouldn't expect you to cut there. But you put that aside and listened to what they decided.

"Ok then, we will stay here and look after Jin and you Y/n" Jungkook said happily.

"But what about Namjoon?" You asked and as if he knew what you were gonna ask Yoongi replied quickly "we can't visit him for now. And we couldn't help him much either. But we can look out if anything serious happens to Jin and you"

You nodded as in 'yes' and J-hope ran to tell the doctor about you staying here.

Guys! I am so so so so so sorry for the long wait. It wasn't in my intention to wait that long, but I needed to do things for school. This chapter was supposed to be up on Thursday, but as I said, school is making it hard to upload once a week. I will try to keep it like it is, but if I find it too hard I will make a different schedule. Thank you so much for reading, I didn't expect that many readers and your love really keeps me going🖤🖤 Tomorrow is my birthday so maybe just maybe I will be able to upload. I hope for the best!

With all the love I have💕🖤💙


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