Chapter 10: Broken again

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You started crying and shouting for help but no one came. Your backpack was half open and a shiny knife caught your eye's attention. It was your hidden knife you carried with you all the time. You started to realize that BTS won't be able to help you. You Can't stop cutting yourself.

You pulled out the knife and cut your wrists deep. You immediately lost consciousness and fell into a pool of your blood.

~outside girls' bathroom~

"We need to find her! Now!" Yoongi yelled and cursed a bit.

"Chill okay?" Jungkook tried to calm him, but Yoongi spoke back at him.

"Do you know what she is capable of? She can kill herself in an instant and we need to find her. Jin and Namjoon go to top floor and search everywhere! Bathrooms, classrooms... Jungkook and Taehyung go to the 2nd floor and do the same. J-hope go to the bottom where the dance studio is. Jimin you go with me on this floor. Go and find her!"

Everyone started running their way. Jin went to the bathrooms and Namjoon to all classrooms at the top floor.

Yoongi searched classes as he heard a yell "hey H-hyung?!" Jimin yelled from outside of the girls bathroom. He quickly came to the place and saw a pool of blood all over bathroom and it even went outside it.

"Let's go in!" He demanded and they stepped on the blood into the bathroom.

"There is someone on the toilet! Move the chair away, she has probably been trapped inside it!"

They broke the lock and got in. The sight was horrific. You were laying on the floor unconscious with a knife beside you and your arms all cut.

"Go call others and ambulance, I'll bring her out! Now!" Yoongi demanded and Jimin quickly got outside.

"Guys we found her! Someone please call the ambulance, she is very injured!"

Jin and Namjoon were first to hear it so they quickly called the ambulance.

Others came running down to help Yoongi carry you.

"Don't step here, you will ruin your shoes. I'll bring her out and then help me" he said lifting you up into his arms.

As he came outside of the bathroom they took you and carried you to the ambulance. Jin and Namjoon went with you and others started to clean the mess.

They cleaned the blood as good as they could and Yoongi had to throw away his shoes because the blood wasn't going to come off.

Jimin was carrying him so he wouldn't dirty the van and the floor.

Jungkook and Tae took your things that were luckily on the toilet so they weren't ruined. J-hope took the knife you used to cut your arms and threw it into the trash bin.

When they were all in the van there was only silence. No one spoke because they knew that this can't be changed now.

After 15 minutes they came to their house because Yoongi had to take a new pair of shoes. When he came into the house his phone rang.

"Hello? Yoongi?" Jin spoke over the phone
"Yes it's me. How's Y/n?" He asked worried
"You don't need to come. They have her in a surgery room at the moment. After that she only needs to rest and there are no visitors allowed. We are on the way home already"

"Oh ok, we'll wait for you here" Yoongi said and left the house to tell others.

When they came inside they all sat on the couch to wait for Namjoon and Jin.

"What if she dies?" Taehyung asked sobbing.
There was a moment of silence and right when Yoongi wanted to speak Jin and Namjoon opened the door.

"Guys...she'll live right?" J-hope asked with a worried expression. Right now he wasn't J-hope, he was J-nope and everyone saw that.

"We didn't get any information on her except that she will have a surgery and then no visiting for 1 day. After that they will inform us on her condition" Jin said as he sat down as well.

"We shouldn't have let our eyes go off her. Why didn't I follow her?!" Jimin was angry at himself.

Boys' condition wasn't good either. They were all sad. Everyone blamed themselves, Yoongi and Jimin the most.

"Okay guys we need to cheer up. I'll go cook something and then we can watch a movie or something okay?" Jin tried to get them into better mood.

"Y/N IS IN A HOSPITAL, HOW CAN WE KEEP CALM?!!!" Taehyung bursted out. No one really expected that from him.

"I was just-"
"NO, she can die any minute now and-"
"TAEHYUNG THAT'S ENOUGH!" Namjoon yelled and looked at Jin.

"Jin is right. We need to do something to distract ourselves." He then looked at Jungkook and motioned him to take care of Tae.

Yoongi went to sleep in the mean time Jin cooks, J-hope and Jimin went to the dance room to practice while Jungook took care of Tae.

"C'mon Tae, we need to get your mind off it"
Tae stood up and followed him. When they were on stairs he started crying. Jungkook didn't realize since he just walked on. Namjoon went to his room to grab something and saw Tae crying on the stairs.

"Hey, are you okay?" He pulled him in for a hug and patted his back. Taehyung only started crying more and soon a worried Jungkook joined. He thought he lost him in their own house.

"I didn't want to react that way, it just went out of me without me thinking" he still sobbed.

"C'mon, let's get you changed" Jungkook said to Tae and they went to his room together.

Namjoon couldn't help but worry about them all. They were trying to distract themselves but it wouldn't help much.

Jin then came from kitchen and saw him sad, so he joined and hugged him.

"Hey, no worries. We'll be okay, and Y/n as well. You are the leader, I know, but don't push yourself too much" Namjoon looked at him and said "I know, but I can't just not worry. It doesn't feel right".

"It'll be okay, you'll see" Jin added before leaving to go to the kitchen.

Hi guys! I hope you enjoyed this part, sorry because it's a little late. Comment opinions please.

With love🖤


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