Chapter 7

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A.N: Enjoy the chapter! Comment your Team and enjoy the drama that will ensue! As well:

Vocomman! (Vote, comment, fan!) Actually, that makes me thing of some kind of Super Man. Vocomman! Saving lives as he votes and comments and fans on people's stories. Be a Vocomman! Save lives! (Sorry about the tangent).

Enjoy reading!

'O Romeo, Romeo, wherefore art thou Romeo?" I muttered the words softly. Where indeed was Will? He had to have been the handsomest man I have ever seen, humorous, and he could quote my favourite scenes from Romeo & Juliet. Well, I do humbly admit, I had recently but converted favourite scenes, for re-enactments did brighten up a once doubtful mind.

"Deny thy father and refuse thy name!" I proclaimed passionately. "Or if thou wilt not, be but sworn to my love, and I'll no longer be a Capulet." My life had many similiarities to Romeo and Juliet. The blossoming courtship between Will and I, perhaps. Though, no fighting ran amok in my life with Will killing one of my cousins and then dying himself along with me. Or I did hope not!

Besides any marriage proposal that ran along my stream, would be delightfully received by my parents. Feudal families or not, those two would push me to the altar just so they could stop worrying about the marriagable fate of their ruined eldest child.

This state of reading a wild romance, was brought on by nifty fingers and a chance to see opportunities. Before, I had been wrestled out of the house by my furious mother, I had taken a copy of this play, which had been lingering- unloved and unread- on one of Henry's bookshelves. I know mistreatment when I see it and so, I took the liberty of bringing the play towards a welcoming heart. That is, I stole it.

Anyhow, if I was caught with Shakespeare's greatest tragedy; it would be no matter. The book may be confiscated but I didn't care if Pig took notice of the disappearance or not. So, here I was, sitting in the attic's windowseat and voicing one of the most turbulent and beautiful pieces of work the world was seen.

"Shall I hear more, or shall I speak at this?" Oh, I wished my own would-be Romeo had spoken this line! I had not seen him since and now, I did feel so dreadfully cast-off and unwanted. I read on, devouring each word's graceful syllabylles.

"My ears have not drunk a hundred words of thy tongue's uttering," I spoke sadly. It was true as with Will. We had talked but little and it had been devastatingly sad for him to depart so swiftly and not to see him once more in the following days. I skipped lines and travelled to more. "How cam'st thou hither, tell me, and wherefore?" This was another favourite of mine; if only one would scale my balcony to look upon me with Love's eyes; even if being caught meant death.

This was seeming never to be true; I didn't even have a balcony.

"With love's light wings did I o'erperch these walls," I recited in Romeo's manner. "For stony limits cannot hold love out." Even if Will or Daniel, or whatever this stranger may be, held some kind of special regard for me; they wouldn't even meet with me once again, let alone climb to my bedroom!

Rifling through the pages, I came to the farewell scene where Juliet bid goodbye to her beloved Romeo. "A thousand times good night!" Oh how I would wish for such a love that would make those lovers so sad to part but for a day. The only love I could conjure forth was a wanton trifling with a mysterious man who I half-knew, and who didn't seem loath to part from me for a week or so.

And then, even as the pair did part beforehand, they could not bear such separation and rushed back to the other for the satisfaction of another word from the other's lips.

"Good night! Good night! Parting is such sweet sorrow that I shall say good night till it be morrow."

"Rosalia!" My name uttered but once and I shrieked with the sudden revival of reality. "Rosalia, where are you, you thrice depraved girl!" Someone was not in good spirits.

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