Chapter 26

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I screamed. All I could see was how Mr Hartley's rapier sliced into Sebastian's chest. Running forward, I pushed Mr Hartley away from Sebastian. The man hissed at me, but I ripped his weapon away and promptly punched him in the nose. Zachariah howled as I made contact. I could barely restrain my own cry, my knuckles feeling bruised and pained, like lances were dancing up and down my right hand.

Dropping to my knees, I leant over Sebastian, almost sobbing as I saw a lazy trickle of blood. Sebastian smiled weakly as I bent over him.

"You just could not let me go," he teased, though his voice was growing fainter by the second. "I would have been fine, you know."

"Fine?" I snapped at him. "Fine?! I do not think this is fine."

"Just a scratch," he said. "Just a little scratch."

"Your wound stretches from your shoulder to your chest!" I yelled at him, disbelieving of his calmness.

"A very big scratch."

"Josie, get the physician," I ordered her. "As fast as you can." Josie nodded and ran away. Zachariah Hartley seemed pale-faced, standing there with his hand held up to his bleeding nose. I hoped I broke it.

"Ah- ah, I do not know what to do!" I exclaimed. "There is so much blood and I... oh I hate blood!" I began to cry, though I do not think it was because of the copious amounts of red liquid which was staining my dress. "Damn you, Sebastian Darrows!"

"I'll- I'll be fine," Sebastian said, though even his words were coming slower. His waistcoat was sliced through, red flowing over the green material. "Promise you."

"I am sure your promises mean so much when you are bleeding a lot!" I shouted at him, wiping away my tears. "Though, I swear to Him, that if you do not- if you don't- I'll be extremely mad!"

"Well that is sorted," my friend said, trying to get up. "If Rosalia wishes it, then what else could occur?"

"Stay down!" I cried at him, pushing him gently back. "You are not getting up!"

"As milady commands," he said breathily. His brown eyes stared up at me and I felt more tears pricking my eyes.

"I am sorry," I sobbed. "I should not have disturbed you."

"Well, my fencing skills are not quite as amazing as I had thought," Sebastian jested. "I'm sure I could have beat the man with a hand tied behind my back."

"Hey-" Zachariah Hartley tried to interject.

"Shut up!" I screamed at him. "If Sebastian dies, I will make sure that your involvement will be widely known."

He quieted himself.

"You are so foolish, you know that?" I said to him, holding back more tears. I was just pouring them out today. "My father would have been dealing with this- your part was definitely not needed."

"When a damsel is in distress, I can hardly refuse her," Sebastian smiled up at me. I would have slapped that smile away if he hadn't been bleeding to death right in front of me.

"I am no damsel in distress," I snapped. "I can handle my own troubles, let me assure you, Sebastian Darrows. The knight in shining armour was not needed."

"Are you sure?" he asked me, his hazel eyes sharing their depths with me. "Are you sure about that Rosalia?"

"I- I am-"

"Out of the way, please milady," the physician ordered. I pushed back in relief, not sure as to how I could have answered that question. Sebastian suddenly coughed, spraying blood. I felt my heart sink.

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