Chapter 11

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Near my home were two parks. One was Canterbury Park, which was the abode of many a suitor that wished to gain my hand. So, many unpleasant memories lingered there. Another park was Tristan's Park. The latter was a lovely habitat; elegant and refined with a host of tall trees and clusters of flowers.

Many animals thrived here as well, birds fluttering in groups on the trees, chirping as if at a societal tea-party. I loved the sounds that were so pleasing to my ears and the environment which was a gorgeous sight for my eyes. Even the park smelled good, the scents of the cultivated flowers and herbs mingling together in a glorious wafting breeze.

Walking here, also served to clear my head, when at times, much was occupying space in my mind. Such as the unwishing amount of suitors that had fallen down upon themselves to gain my hand. Any other lady would be delighted at such a reception that they provided to many of these distinguished gentlemen but my mind was proven otherwise.

Except in the case of William. Why could he not reveal himself to me? Mother's disparaging comments on how he must be low-born did not seem to ring true in my ears, though it had been seen there many a time. His dialect was beautiful and clearly of learning and societal correctness.

Will fought valiantly as well, and with gentleman-like honour, though he had prevailed that he was a little removed from that sort. Fencing was a sport of gentlemen, as my Club did prove (excluding Marcellus, I daresay) and which was also proved by the easy slain ruffians who did not know much about a sword except to poke the pointy end into people.

From what I had seen of his physique, he was well-proven in that case. Intelligent, he seemed to be. Handsome, that looked to be true. Kind, he had been as he had saved me from the band of ruffians. Rich... well that was the stepping stone that my parents needed to have if I brought up the idea of marriage. 

Society today, was a base twisted creature. It commanded what you did and what you must do. Ladies today, were expected to marry and to provide heirs. Love was such a silly concept; you married for money and to bring more honour upon your family's reputation. First, came estates and how much money a suitor possessed. 

Then, though this rarely mattered, came physical appearance, intelligence and whether they were of a good heart or no. This was rarely looked to; for who needed those abilities when all you needed to know was whether your daughter would be married into a rich and respectable family? 

Perhaps it was cruel, but this is how it was. Rebelling against it was not a matter that anyone should do. Society should not be trifled with. I remembered how I had once thought to marry into the lower classes and how I was paid back in kind. My sister.... I turned away from the thought.

Turning into the park, I saw the slightly weathered sign: silver lettering on white wood declaring,

Tristan's Park, named after Prince Tristan, soon to be the noble ruler of our England.

The sign, though old, still bore truth. King William, an old crusty man of ninety or so, was still reigning, albeit with a shaky hand. His Queen was long dead, but his son Tristan was a strapping man of twenty-five now. Every girl in the land vied for his hand: the gentleman possessing both gorgeous looks, intelligence and money.

Not many saw the man though. Despite his unwed status, which was far from his father's wishes to be sure, he travelled far and wide, but never announcing himself or giving anyone news of his movements. The King despaired of him, people gossiped, and why ever not?

For there was not a lady who would not marry him, and yet, here he was, unwed and of five and twenty. It would be but five years and he would reach thirty. It was not customary to wait that long before marriage, seeing as he was the Prince and was expected to marry and to provide an heir for when King William died and he claimed the throne.

Society's Expectations & Too Many Complications {Finalist}Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ