Chapter 22

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Before we could deliver the unpleasant shock of ridding Victoria of her future first name and fiancée; I had a Gentlemen's Club meeting. In the dinner time, then I would bring down the onslaught of an angry brother and friend onto that so-called gentleman, but for now, I attended a meeting- where I earnestly hoped Sebastian would be among the comers.

"Greetings all," Franklin said to us, quieting the group of rowdy men with his deep voice. I looked around, my eyes darting everywhere; it was about to begin yet I could not see an inch of Sebastian Darrows. "Today you may fence with your old partner."

The announcement had much applause and agreement; I was not the only one that preferred the game of a friend.

"I'm going to thrash you today, Nimrod," I heard one of the men whisper in what they deemed a threatening voice. Nimrod turned around- though a slight man and lean, he had the grace of a panther when he played.

"If you can remember which way to hold the rapier, Loxley, I'll be pleasantly surprised." The comment had the men around Loxley jeering at his displeasure.

"I can hold one well enough," Loxley grumbled good-naturedly. "We'll settle this soon, Nimrod, mark my words."

The crowd began to dissipate, each set of partners retiring to their normal areas. I was left, my eyes still darting for Sebastian, who should have been here at this time.

He avoids me, even now, I thought mournfully. Yet as I looked up, I saw an approaching figure. Excitement danced in my stomach- was it possible that he was here?

"This will be your partner for today," Franklin declared, looking the same direction I was. "You can fight with him again."

The person entered the house and my mouth opened to greet him, but the welcoming words died on my lips.

"Marcellus," I uttered, surprised and off-spirits beyond belief.

"Marcellus," Franklin agreed. "You will be with Charles today."

"Excellent," he smiled, his blonde hair slightly over his eyes. "I've had a mind to crush an ant today."

"You won't find one here," I challenged him, squaring up to him.

"Such a high opinion of yourself," he sighed.

"And you don't?" I cried, an expression of disbelief upon me.

"Now, now, keep the fights to your fencing," our instructor schooled us. "Come tell me on how the games transpired; it will be interesting to see how this falls today."

"Charles will be the only one falling," Marcellus muttered with a bitter-edged smile.

"Bringing you down with me," I murmured back in response. We walked to the area where I normally fought Sebastian. I was already tensed, waiting for the fencing fight. Marcellus had underestimated me before and clearly would not make the same mistake again.

I eyed up the man before me: six feet of biting remarks, muscle and unresolved issues. He was a fighter to be contended with, and this fight would go badly for me. I could already imagine the bruises that would splatter my skins like rain on grey ground.

"Ready?" he smirked, a cocky smile at the ready as he held his rapier, too loosely I thought.

"Already there." I lashed out with my rapier, going for the weak spot just above his stomach. If he hadn't stumbled back, the point of my weapon would have tipped his waist and given me a point already.

From then, I feinted to the left then swiped to his right. His parry was rushed but strong, forcing me to reel back as his strength dominated the river of our weapons. Recovering myself, I side-stepped, ducked and danced around him, going for any weak areas I saw, thrusting my rapier into those forgotten parts. Twice, I nearly got a point, but his defence was beginning to grow in strength.

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