Chapter 9

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A.N As always enjoy the chapter and comment your Team (Will, Sebastian, Gerald, Pig). Have fun with the coming fireworks! 

"Was there was way I could explain myself out of this situation? I might have some terrible disease that had me spitting out numerous terrible words which had nothing whatsoever to do with the subject that we were currently doing. Except for the fact that GrandMonster knew I had a problem with him. And the fact that I have already employed those words when talking of him. There was only one thing to do in this situation. 

"Sometimes I believe the opposite of what people say invokes a beautiful reaction which is an adequate method to discern the correct manner of your feelings towards this suitor of mine," I lied through my teeth, in the most creative way imaginable.

"So, Charlotte, you are saying that you wanted to see my true thoughts on Lord Henry," GrandMonster replied slowly, looking at me sharply.

Please believe me, please believe me, please believe -

"Don't be such a liar, Charlotte, it doesn't become you," she scolded me firmly, shaking her head at my antics. And being honest makes me prettier?

"Now, why don't you like this man?" GrandMonster asked cuttingly. "He seems to be of adequate wealth, titles and lands. This is a very good catch for your common engagement two years prior."

Why thank you Grandmonster. Remind me of the most painful incident of my life. How do I explain love to a woman that married my Grandfather because he waved a bigger amount of money at her than all her other suitors?

"Lord Henry does not treat me in such a way that I would want my future husband to treat," I replied edgily, looking back on his numerous engagements with me. Dear Lord, the man didn't know how to treat a woman, let alone court one. 

"And what way would you want your future husband to treat you?" my evil relative asked me condescendingly. 

"As some kind of equal-"

"Oh, what rubbish you speak, Charlotte. Equality? You want equality in your future marriage? You might as well ask for the Prince to marry you." She cackled, still beadily eyeing me at the same time. 

"Why is it so?" I entreated her urgently. "I do not think it is so different as you wanting respect-"

"There is a difference between asking for respect and wanting complete equality," she replied. "You are far too wanting for a young lady." 

Thank you very much, GrandMonster. 

"Your young age must lend all these foolish notions to your mind, I do say," she remarked. "It is lucky for you that I have the solution for you." 

"You do?" I asked, dumbfounded. Was she really going to kill the Pig? 

"I have the perfect suitor for you," she said, giving me what she deemed to be a smile. Except her version of smiles tended to be tiny stretches of the mouth in the upwards direction. It looked like she had a migraine to me. 



I repeated the sentiment. "What did you say?" 

GrandMonster looked at me strongly and sighing, I breezed through the manners. "Pardon me, Grandmother?" 

"I said, I have the perfect suitor for you. It will naturally solve your issues with this Lord Henry suitor and this one is far more elevated in status." 

"Another suitor," I breathed out slowly. Didn't I have enough annoying courters? "May I ask his name?" GrandMonster smiled as if she had been waiting for me to ask that question. Wonderful. 

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