Chapter 1

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Y/N stood on the edge of the dolphin pen with a fish in her hand. She spoke to the dolphin before giving it the fish. She then entered the water with a toy for the dolphin and threw it to the other side of the pen. The dolphin shot after it, pushing it with its nose to bring it back to her. She took the toy and threw it again, and the dolphin shot after it again. After a few rounds of throwing and bringing it back, Y/N put the toy aside and started to pat the dolphin.

A conversation between her boss and another person caught her attention. She went back to the ledge of the dolphin enclosure, which the dolphin joined her on, and watched the two. She put her hand on the dolphin and rubbed its head. She waved it back into the water and it reluctantly obeyed.

Someone had taught the dolphin that habit and it wasn't healthy for it to keep doing that.

Y/N finally tuned into the conversation between a woman and Y/N's boss, Mr. Zwach.

"- is Y/N, she is the animal behaviorist, and part time vet here. She works with the animals here to make them feel at home and she also does physical checkups to make sure they are healthy. I assure you, no one here is alien. We've done thorough background checks with all our employees." Her boss said.

"Alright. Thank you. Like I said before, I'm just doing my job, and I don't wish to be on anyone's bad side here." The woman said.

She had short auburn hair and was wearing a black pants, grey tank top, and a black leather jacket over her top. She looked at Y/N, who was just peaking over the glass from the ledge she was lying on. The woman waved at her and Y/N waved back shyly.

Y/N then turned around and dove into the water. The dolphin came over and hovered under her for her to hang onto its fin. She pet the side of its head as they moved through the water. She slowly moved to under the dolphin and held on gently to its flippers. She then let go and watched the dolphin swim around a bit. She took note of its movements. The dolphin was healing, probably already healed. It would be released soon back to the ocean.

The institute put a tracker on its pod-mates so they could locate its pod and release the dolphin to its own pod again.

Y/N went to get out of the enclosure, a little sad to leave the dolphin alone again. She went back and changed into clothes. She had to check on the other animals. She walked out toward the building the woman and her boss were talking in front of to get to the other animals. The two were still there talking about whatever they were talking about. Y/N tried to slip by unnoticed but failed.

"Ah, Y/N, there you are! This is Agent Danvers, of the FBI." Mr. Zwach introduced. "I think she has some questions for you. She's asking everyone here."

"Okay..." Y/N replied, starting to get worried.

She never really liked to interact with anyone. She always felt at home with just the animals here. Mr. Zwach left the two alone, saying he had to do paperwork on the animals. Agent Danvers look at Y/N, waiting for her to turn her attention to her.

"You can call me Alex." Alex held out her hand to Y/N, who shyly took it.

"Y/N..." she replied.

"Well, I don't think I really have any questions. Mr. Zwach already answered most of them. And so did the other workers here." Alex said. "But the FBI is doing a survey here to see if there are any potential... targets."

Y/N tilted her head at the woman. What kind of targets?

"Oh, um, well we were tipped that some aliens living in the city could be part of something dangerous. As the victims." Alex said.

"Oh... I don't know of anyone here being alien..." Y/N replied. "I should probably be going to check up on the other animals..." She finished.

"Mind if I tag along? I haven't seen marine animals up close like this before. That is, if that's ok with you. Your boss said that I could." Alex asked.

Supergirl (idk who yet) x fem shy! reader (GxG)Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat