Chapter 6

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The next few days are normal, but today is different. Today, Y/N went missing. She didn't show up at work, she wasn't at the dive bar, nor at her apartment, anyone's house, or elsewhere. This quickly alerted the DEO and they tried to track street cameras to find out what happened.

"I know she had work this morning, she took her bike. That's where she works." Alex points out on the big monitor with a map of the city.

"Alright, we'll check the cameras on the roads she takes to work." J'onn says. "You sure she didn't go to anyone else?"

"Positive. I've asked everyone I know. She's not with Maggie either." Alex replies.

"Winn, search the security cameras along every possible route she could have taken." J'onn orders.

Winn spins around in his chair and sets to work.

Kara puts a hand on Alex. "We'll find her, Alex. I promise."

Alex leans into her sister. "Maybe she's fine, who knows. Let's just try to think positive. She's a strong woman, she'll be able to handle herself."

*time skippy-doodle*

"I found her!" Winn announces. Everyone crowds around. "Alright, she was jumped. Four people. They dragged her to their van. I can tracked the van to a less populated part of the city. Right here." Winn demonstrates.

"I'm on my way." Kara says.

"I'm coming with, and so is Mon-El, we don't know if they'll be prepared. Winn, keep monitoring that warehouse." J'onn orders.

Winn nods and watches the cameras. They can just barely see the warehouse, but it's enough to tell if any vehicles leave.

A few vehicles followed the three aliens to the location. Once they arrived, they cautiously entered the building. They were immediately fired upon, and Supergirl, Mon-El, and J'onn, took them out. More agents came in, bearing the symbol representing a Cobra, and firing at the DEO agents.

"Supergirl, you and Alex go find Y/N!" J'onn shouted over the chaos.

They nodded in confirmation, and headed back, Alex covering them. They disappeared down a stairwell and into a room, full of glass cells. There were a few people inhabiting the cells.

"What is this place?" Kara questions.

Kara turns to face Alex. There's a Cobra agent behind Alex. "Alex! Be careful! Look out!" She says.

They take out the agent quickly and efficiently. As soon as the agent hit the ground, a voice echoed throughout the halls.

"Kara. That was her." Alex says.

Kara rushes over to where her voice came from, but there was a Cobra agent with a gun to Y/N's head. He hadn't noticed Alex behind Kara.

"Don't move! He yelled as he pushed the gun harder into Y/N's head.

She struggled in his grip, but he tightened his grip on her, making her grunt. Alex is still behind Kara and lays down, pointing her gun at the man's arm from under Kara's cape. She shot at him and the bullet hit his arm causing him to let go of Y/N and drop her. He grabbed the gun in his other hand as Kara rushed forward to protect Y/N from another shot, as Alex shot the mans other arm. Alex chases him away as Kara embraces Y/N in a warm, safe hug. Alex turns back to them and walks forward, engulfing Y/N in a tight embrace. Y/N started to break down. Alex pulled back and smiled at Y/N, knowing that she is okay.

"Hey, you alright? Did they hurt you?" Alex asks concerned.

"Yeah... just a bit shaken..." Y/N replies.

Supergirl (idk who yet) x fem shy! reader (GxG)Where stories live. Discover now