Chapter 17

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Hey, I'm finally getting near the end of this. I think I'll only have one or two more chapters to publish after this before its finished. I've never finished a book like this on here before and idk how to feel about it. :/

Well, I got really into this one and I would post it right now, May 5, 12:13am, but i already posted two chapters like 9 or something hours ago, so I'll post this in a couple days, but by a couple days later its already out now but who gives a crap. 

I should prolly shut the fuck up and let y'all read.


As Y/N races across the terrain, a vehicle pulls up beside her, keeping pace with her.

Three or four agents of CADMUS try to cut her off. They almost drive over her a couple times before whipping out guns. They open fire at the large canine, who then screeches to a halt. The vehicle slams on its brakes and two agents exit the vehicle to approach Y/N, guns raised. Y/N tries to get around them, knocking the guns out of their hands and crushing one. She continues across the tundra before the vehicle catches up again and slams into her side, knocking her over. She struggles to get up, and once she does, she feels a bullet tear past her right side, splitting open the skin.

The shifter has no choice but to fight back. She lunges at the vehicle, tearing at its wheels, and throwing the agents away from her. The agents are persistent though, and continue towards her. They surround her and try to take her down. Y/N's body is pumping with adrenaline and she fearfully lashes out at them, tearing open flesh and leaving them incapacitated or dead.

Y/N stands panting as she looks over the carnage she caused for her protection. She holds a moment of silence for the agents she has robbed life from before padding away, exhausted. The serum from her harness finally runs out, and a few minutes later, she shifts back to her old self. Her bones begin their transition, earning a few groans and painful gasps from her as they set. Her clothes are now very withered and ripped in a few places after being in her canine form for so long and taking so much damage. She lays there on the ground, catching her breath for a moment, letting everything just be, before slipping into a soothing unconsciousness.


It's sunset by the time she wakes back up. Y/N lays on the ground a few moments before she finally gathers the strength to get up and walk. She has no idea where she is, but she cannot stop for any longer. She's been out long enough, so she continues to trek across the scape, limping from the bruises and her small bullet wound. She finally spots a road ahead and makes her way toward it. Upon arriving at the roads edge, she glances both directions. It stretches for miles both ways, and from where the sun sets, she determines that to go left is north. If she's in a desert, National City must be north, so she starts to tiredly head left towards where she hopes the city will be, dragging herself with every ounce of will and determination she has left.

Some time later, the sun has completely set, and many stars can be seen above. A car passes her from behind before pulling over in front of her. A woman gets out of the drivers side and begins toward the ragged shifter.

"Oh my god, are you okay?" She asks upon reaching Y/N.

Y/N just looks at her, eyes half closed from exhaustion. She can't form any words to respond to the stranger.

"Oh my god- here come with me, I can get you to a hospital or something." The woman guides the tired shifter to the passenger side of the car and helps her in, buckling her up and leaving no room for protest.

"National... City..." Y/N mumbles as the woman gets in on her own side.

"Sweetie, do you know where you are?" The woman asks concernedly, closing her door and buckling herself up.

Supergirl (idk who yet) x fem shy! reader (GxG)Where stories live. Discover now