Chapter 8

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The two eat their breakfast quietly. Alex can sense Y/N is a little bothered by the whole Cobra and CADMUS thing. She tries to think of something they could go out and do to take their minds off of it.

"Hey, what's something you've done before but want to do again?" She asks.


"Just wondering..." Alex says, trying to look innocent and pretend she's not planning anything.

"Okay... Umm, go-kart. I know, kind of childish... but it's fun."

"Cool, I always loved beating Kara, we'd always race each other and the first in to park their kart won. I know, there's no logic, but that's how we did it." Alex says.


— Alex came back into the living room and stood in front of Y/N. "Hey, wanna go out somewhere?" Alex asked handing Y/N a helmet for her bike.



They step off the bike and put their helmets in the compartments on the side of the motorcycle.

"Why am I not surprised." Y/N turns around to face Alex, hands on her hips, smiling.

Alex just smiles back, looking smug. "Shall we?"

"We shall."

They stepped into the shack to get tokens. "How many rounds?" Alex asks.

"I don't care, as many as you want, I guess." Y/N replies. "What type? I wanna try Slicks."

"Alright, how's five rounds total, two Slicks, and three Hypers." Alex tells the woman at the counter. She hands Alex the ten tokens, six Hyper tokens, and four Slick tokens, with a tired smile. Alex gives five tokens to Y/N and keeps five for herself. They both walk toward the indoor arena where the hyper karts are. There's only three people there, so they go under and over the metal line barriers. They hand the man one of their tokens and he lets them in, reminding them to get their helmets.

"I call black!" Y/N shouts to Alex as she starts to speed up towards the big black kart.

"Fine, I get black next time!" Alex calls back.

The karts are long and low to the ground, great for higher speeds. They have a bar that goes around them incase someone crashes into them, and since they are slightly wide, it gave it more ground traction between all four tires. It's hard to topple a kart over. There are different colors for each kart: black, white, red, blue, and yellow.

The light counts down and when it flashes green, the karts take off onto the track.

Alex manages to pull up next to Y/N and shouts to her. "First one back to the parking line wins!"

Y/N barely hears but she understands. She pushes the pedal further to the metal and pulls past Alex. The track winds around and dies a left u-turn before straightening out a tiny bit and turning right, winding its way back to the kart park, and looping around beside it. Alex and Y/N kept fighting to get ahead of each other, switching places now and then. One of the other people racing with them manages to T-Bone Y/N. She's a little shaken up, but gets right back on the track and overtakes her offender. She quickly catches up to Alex who had been purposely going slow to let her catch up. She underestimated how quickly Y/N would catch up until she shot past. Alex immediately speeds up to catch back up to her. The light flashes yellow, signalling it's the last lap.

"You've obviously never seen my competitive side!" Y/N shouts to Alex, who is just tailgating her. She takes this opportunity to brake check her.


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