Chapter 12

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It's Y/N's day off, so she heads straight to Lena around noon. Lena had invited her to lunch to talk about what she has found and what she needs to test. She enters Noonan's and almost immediately spots Lena at a table for two in a casual black dress, a grey jacket over her arms.

"Hey, Y/N. How you holding up?" Lena greets.

"Good, I guess."

Lena raises a brow but doesn't push.

"How 'bout yourself?"

Lena lets out a small sigh, "I'm doing alright."
Lena grabs her water glass and takes a sip.

"I got some results from your blood tests. I noticed the blood cells had slight changed here and there, especially under moonlight."

"Is that a good change or...?"

"The dna in your cells changed as well. To match wolf dna, or at least it came pretty damn close." She elaborates. "It's quite cool actually. It's almost like they have a slight mind of their own. I would love to run a few more tests this evening, if you don't mind."

"I'll be there." Y/N states confidently.

"Alright." Lena responds. "Anyways, what do you want to order?"

"I think I'll try the R/F (random food)." She responds.

"I love that, it's so good! I would eat that every day if I could." Lena rambles a tiny bit, causing Y/N to giggle slightly.

Y/N lets Lena explain how the cells acted and how the DNA changed. Y/N would be lying if she says she isn't fascinated by this. It's almost time to get back to work for Lena.

"6 work alright for you?" Lena asks Y/N.

"Yeah," she responds. "6 is fine."


Y/N shows up at Lena's lab at 6, just like they planned, and Lena guides her to the room they've been using for the tests.

"So as I did my tests on your blood, it seemed that the cells were stressed; at least, that's how they acted. When stressed, they leaned more towards having wolf DNA." Lena states. "If I can find a way to monitor your cells as they are more directly impacted by yourself, we can test that theory."

"O-Okay." Y/N stutters nervously.

"I also tested the blood with pressure. The more pressure I put on the sample, the more it leaned to the wolf DNA as well. When I relieved that pressure, they calmed down and reverted to your normal DNA." Lena continues to ramble. "Stress is a key stimulus for your shifting. If enough stress is placed on you, physical or emotional, you could ultimately shift without even the effect of the moon. It's basically equilibrium; your normal cells are balanced out, but when moonlight or stress pushes on one side of the equation, the equation will balance out by shifting to your wolf DNA to get rid of the stress!"

Lena is racing around excitedly at her finds, collecting different equipment for more tests.

"I'm also working on some Moon lamps, much like the lamps Supergirl uses at the DEO." Lena finally approaches Y/N, a couple wires in hand.

"Okay, I'm going to just stick these to the back of your neck, they'll monitor some nerves in your spine, close to your brain." Lena announces.

Y/N just nods, letting Lena do whatever she needs to do. Lena steps behind Y/N to stick the monitoring wires to her neck gently right at the base of Y/N's skull. She brushes some of Y/N's hair out of the way, holding it up and out of the way as she sticks the monitors to your skin.

Supergirl (idk who yet) x fem shy! reader (GxG)Where stories live. Discover now