Chapter 7

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"Hey, I hope you don't mind if the others come. I was thinking of maybe inviting them to help you feel better." Alex says.

"Sure..." Y/N says quietly.

"Okay. 3 sound good?"


"Alright. You sure that's okay?"

"Yea." Y/N didn't want to make Alex feel like her attempts to make her feel better were for nothing.

"You'll get to see Lena again." Alex does some weird wavy eyebrow thing when she looks at her.

"Umm..." Y/N starts to giggle nervously. Alex joins in giggling before messaging the others.

"So, I just have to do this quick thing online for work and then we can do whatever. It's only 10." Alex says.

"I think I'm gonna go sleep for a bit more..." Y/N says a little tiredly, getting up.

"Alright. Do you want me to wake you up at a certain time?"

"Nah, I think I'm good."

"Okay, sleep well." Alex is still a little bit concerned about Y/N and how the stress is affecting her.


Y/N gets up around 1:30 and grabs a small snack. Alex is watching some tv when she came out.

"Hey, you sleep good?"

"Eh..." Y/N scrunches up her face a tiny bit.

"Well, wanna watch something with me?"


"Stranger Things?"

"I was gonna ask if you wanted to watch IT."

"Yes! I love that movie!" Alex says excitedly.

Y/N comes right over and sits to Alex's left. She watches Alex fumble around trying to find the movie.

"Where is it...?" Alex mumbles in frustration.

"Here, can I find it?"

Alex hands Y/N the remote and watches as she finds HBO and immediately finds the movie, and puts it on. They both sit back and watch the movie. Y/N had to refrain from criticizing the characters most of the time.

By the time the movie ended, it was almost 3.

"Hey, we should probably get ready for them. Lena said she would come a bit later than everyone else." Alex informs.

"Okay. I'll get the drinks." Y/N says getting up.

"Sam's bringing Ruby. I have juice in the fridge." Alex calls to the kitchen.

"Gotcha!" Y/N replies.

Alex gets the snacks and Y/N sets out the drinks. They had just finished when the first set of knocks were heard.

"I'll get it!" Alex says, rushing the door. She opens it and is surprised to see J'onn was the first to arrive. "Hey! Come in! Since when have you been the first?"

"Winn and James challenges me to a race. Walking vs driving. Traffic was bad. For them." He chuckles. "Hey, Y/N, how are you holding up?" He asks.

"I'm fine." She replies shyly to the Martian.

Another set of knocks were heard and Alex opens it, revealing an excited Kara, who embraces Alex in a hug.

"Hey Tiny Danvers!" She calls out. Y/N just waves back with a shy smile.

Supergirl (idk who yet) x fem shy! reader (GxG)Where stories live. Discover now