Chapter 9

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The next week goes by pretty quickly and the superfriends' generosity and friendliness has helped get Y/N back on her feet. There are a few nightmares here and there, but the friends comfort her. She feels more comfortable around them and has opened up a little more. She gets along well with Ruby as Alex does.

This morning, Alex comes up to Y/N a little nervous. "Hey, um, can you maybe help me with something?"

"Sure. " Y/N responds, taking a step away from her breakfast cooking.

"Um, you know Sam," Alex trails off.

Y/N nods.

"Um, well, I like her and I don't know if she likes me back. Would you maybe try to find out for me or maybe give some tips on what to do?" Alex forces out.

"Um, I don't know. Maybe try to ask her out. But you want to make sure you're comfortable with it yourself. Also, has Sam ever talked about her sexuality?" Y/N's really not the best with advice, since she's never had a special someone. She's really sorta avoided having a special someone, pushing her feelings away just so she can't get anyone hurt.

"No. I don't know her sexuality." Alex looks down.

"I guess, maybe try to do small things for her and maybe with her as well?" Y/N sorta asks and suggests at the same time. "Try to help a bit and ask for help. Asking is actually good for getting people to like you a bit more."

"Um, okay. Thanks." Alex says, patting her on the shoulder and sending a smile to her.

"No problem. I don't have the best advice though. Not very social here." Y/N responds.

"Well, I asked you because I know that no one would be able to keep it, especially Kara."

"Yea, both of you can't stop shipping Lena and I." Y/N responds shyly.

"Was I really talking that loud?" Alex tilts her head and scrunches up her face, trying to remember.

"Kara. Kara does the talking. Loudly." Y/N says.

"Haha, sorry." Alex responds, rubbing the back of her neck. "Anyways, I'll try to do that. Thanks again."

"No problem. Oh, by the way, game night's still on?"


"Do it then."

Y/N finishes with making breakfast and serves it to the two of them.

"Thanks for this, it's really good! I think your cooking beats mom's." Alex chuckles.

Y/N shyly laughs as well. "The only stuff I know how to make is pasta, and this. I once tried to cook dinner and I almost burned the house down!"

"Once I almost set fire to the house by plugging something in." Alex says, finally finding a topic that is bringing Y/N out of her shell a bit.

She admires the shy woman, laughing for once after the incident. She just hopes she can keep her happy, she doesn't like seeing her alone and depressed-looking.

"Are we going to fight about who did the stupidest thing to either set the house on fire or almost set it on fire?" Y/N raises an eyebrow.

"Maybe..." Alex says, looking back at her food, a smirk tugging at her lips.

"Well then, I guess my brother wins this." Y/N says.

"How so?" Alex smirks.

"Microwaving chocolate." Y/N states, not looking at Alex.

Alex looks at Y/N wide eyed. "How?" She practically yells.

"I have no idea, but he put it in too long and it started to smoke. We waited for it to finish and I swear there was a tiny bonfire on the surface. The inside of the microwave was slightly charred as well." Y/N laughs. "But my brother did almost blow up the house because a necklace fell on the phone charger. There are still singe marks on the wall I bet!"

Supergirl (idk who yet) x fem shy! reader (GxG)Where stories live. Discover now