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So I paged Luke, and we waited.

"You're not scared?" Kathy asked her quietly.

Vanessa shook her head slowly.
"He doesn't hurt"

Within ten minutes later the three guys entered with smiles.

"She wants to hold your hands" kathy spoke.

This caught Luke a little off guard- especially since they assumed she would've fell asleep by the time they returned.

"What are you doing awake, love bug?" He questioned, bending to where they could see eye to eye.

"Waiting" she responded slowly, carefully grabbing his hand, bringing it into both of hers.

"Waiting on what?" He questioned, bringing his other hand to stroke over her thumbs carefully.

"You to be here"

Luke was almost speechless, just seeming shocked.

"Well I'm not leaving, so sleep some of this medicine off so that you can have some more energy, okay?" He spoke, making her slowly nod, never letting go of his hands.

As she blinked her eyes shut, he turned to look at the four of us watching the scene together.

"That made me so much happier than I seem" kathy grinned widely.

He kissed her knuckles gently.

"Her grip loosened, she's already gone"

We waited patiently, Michael rotating on and off of ice for the swelling, us all watching Halloween movies on the tv.

"What are we doing for Thanksgiving?" Kathy cocked her head, looking mainly to Luke.

"Probably just a big dinner and game night- or something" he shrugged

"Will she be back on her feet?" Kathy asked towards Michael.

"She'll be a little sore, but she'll be able to just walk around- taking it easy"

About forty minutes later, a small whine came from Vanessa's body as she shifted carefully.

"That's not good" michael spoke, slowly starting to insert medicine into her iv.

"Ouch" she whined out- almost childlike, which was absolutely adorable.

"Pain, princess?" Michael asked.

"Hurts" she nodded in agreement.

"You'll get some relief quickly, just stay still" he advised her, her head turning, her grey eyes blinking to us.

"Where's she get those pretty eyes from?" Calum questioned.

" I guess her dad" kathy shrugged lightly.

"He's not my dad" Vanessa blurted out, catching us all off guard.

"Vanessa what-" Vanessa interrupted Kathy, pretty much explaining what she mean in one simply sentence

"He's just my sperm donor"

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