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"She's fucking miserable, look at her" Michael mumbled to me, making me look from the kitchen- to the dining room where Vanessa sat, looking purely uncomfortable.

First off, she was still stiff and it didn't feel great to sit straight up due the huge bruise on her spinal cord.
Also, Kathy wanted to surprise us by inviting some of our closest friends from work, which were all guys- who didn't know the situation, so we were patiently waiting on them before we could eat Thanksgiving dinner.

As two cars pulled up, Calum and I almost sprinted outside, meeting them at the car.

"do you know anything about Kathy's daughter?" I shot quickly.

"Kathy has a daughter?"

I groaned.

"Yes, her name is Vanessa and she was abused by her father a few years ago, she's terrified of men, so try to keep a good distance" I spoke quickly.

"She also just got a spinal tap two days ago, so watch her back" Calum finished for me.

After making absolute sure that they got the point, we walked them inside, introducing everyone to Kathy and Vanessa, both who smiled nicely, Vanessa never saying a word.

Slowly people started fixing plates, Vanessa never moved.

I read something from her facial expression, and I knew dinner wasn't going to be as good as I thought.


Ten men, two women.

In the exact house that I was abused in for six years of my life.

My heart pounded so loud I could hear it in my ears.

I went from being cold to suddenly hot, I couldn't focus on anything but the thoughts going through my head, which were much too fast to focus on completely.

"Baby" my mom spoke, snapping me out of my trance.

"Are you okay- you're flushing" she spoke, rubbing her thumbs over my cheeks.

"Stop" I exhaled- not wanting any attention brought to me, whatsoever.

"Are you feeling sick?" She spoke, making all eyes fly to me.


I didn't speak, I stood- almost pace walking upstairs where my mental breakdown began.

I kept my hand on my side, trying to support my back to where it didn't hurt as I literally gasped for air.

I felt a tear glide down my cheek, making me wipe it away.

I felt my door pushed open.

"You can't touch me" I quickly announced, knowing it was one of the guys

If they touched me at this point- I would lose my mind.

"Okay, just look at me" Luke's voice spoke, I turned, feeling more tears sliding down my cheeks.

"Sit" he spoke slowly, also sitting on the floor, which made me quickly move to sit like him.

"And just put your head to your knees"

I did as spoke, feeling myself shaking and rocking back and forth.

Soon I felt no struggle to breathe, just the constant tears rolling down.

"I'm going to hug you, okay?" Luke spoke, and I managed to give a small nod.

He hugged me into him, never applying any pressure, just holding me in his arms.

"As long as I'm with you, you never have to worry about anyone hurting you"

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