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After receiving hugs from every mom, sisters, and exchanging smiles with dad's, it was very clear to me that all these people were sympathetic towards me, and I absolutely hated it.

Every one of them brought up something about "you didn't deserve what you were given"

I realize that their actions were nothing but good- trying to make me feel better, but by the tenth "I wish you couldn't just been my daughter from the start" I was literally ready to cry.


I watched Vanessa closely, noticing a change in demeanor the longer she was here.

Maybe it was because she was tired, or maybe it was because all of our moms brought up the one situation we told them not to bring up.

I had a good feeling that it was the second one.

I watched as my mom hugged her again- and I saw a familiar facial expression from Vanessa

She was going to cry.

"I think we should go nap- we'll come back down in a few hours"

All the guys looked thankful for my demanding of a nap and we all ran to our old bedrooms, Vanessa coming to mine with me .

I looked to her as she sat on my bed

"Your moms nice" she spoke, clearing her throat.

"You okay lovebug?" I asked, moving to her.

"Don't ask me that" she barely spoke.

"I'm sorry baby- we told them not to talk about any of it-" "it's not that" I watched her break, tears pooling in her eyes more and more.

I rubbed her shoulders, watching her eyes avoid my own.

"I miss my mom so fucking much sometimes"

I understood that
I missed her too.

"She was all I had at one point and she just left me, how do you just pack up and leave, Luke?" She cried out.

I pulled her into my chest, kissing her head.

"Just please, don't ever leave me"

"I swear on my life, I will never willingly leave you"

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