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one month later

Ash, Vanessa and I were all in Target, doing our weekly shopping.

We were all tossing the items we wanted and needed into the basket, keeping a discussion about Vanessa's schooling.

"I like going online" she spoke simply.

"You don't miss being with your friends everyday?" Ashton asked.

"I still go and see my friends, you guys know that"

"We just want to make sure you're still happy" I clarified as we turned down an isle- and I saw a familiar body at the end of it.

"Aw Ash- we forgot the fucking toilet paper" I quickly spoke- cutting my eyes to make him go.

His eyebrows wrinkled- he knew I just bought some about two days ago.

I nodded my head, making him quickly look as Vanessa focused to her phone.

"Vanessa come with me" he thankfully caught on, a quick "okay" came from her before they walked away.

I went down the isle- grabbing mouthwash and toothpaste before looking again- seeing her looking at me.

I gave no smile, I gave no nod.

I threw my items into the basket- turning and walking away.

I found Ash and Vanessa, immediately rushing them to the check out.

Ashton and I unloaded the basket as quickly as we could, trying to rush everything.

As I put my card into the reader- I spotted her again.

Holding hands with a tall man, laughing before out eyes caught each other, where she resulted to the smallest smile, her eyes moving to Vanessa before she walked out of the doors completely,

I looked to Vanessa, seeing her and Ash talking, thankful that he distracted her.

We put the bags into the cart, going to our car and putting it all in the trunk before leaving.

I exhaled as Ashton blue-toothed some music to the radio.

He gave me the smallest smile, which I couldn't help but return

that night.


I heard the piano downstairs, which I hadn't heard played but once, and that was Michael messing around.

I clicked my phone through the darkness, seeing that it was almost three in the morning.

I immediately jumped to my feet, tip toeing to Luke's room, where the door was open and the room was empty

I crept downstairs, hearing Luke singing- which certainly wasn't unfamiliar, but the song was.

I leaned against the door frame, not wanting to interrupt as he focused fully on the piano.

"I was you looking brand new over night"

"I caught you looking too, but you didn't look twice- you look happy, yeah you look happy"

"Flashing back to New York City, change your flight so you stay with me, remember thinking that I had this right"

It hit me who this was about, my mom had flown with Luke to New York for his work convention.

"And now I wish we never met- cause you're too hard to forget, and while I'm cleaning up your mess, I know he's taking off your dress"

What did Luke know that I didn't?

"And I know that you don't but if I ask you if you love me, I hope you lie, lie, lie, lie, lie to me"

As he continued the piano I thought about the words- and this caused my eyes to water.

Luke was hurt, he really was- and he never once showed that side of him to me.

I wiped a tear that fell as he stopped the piano, rubbing his own eyes.

"When did you see her again?" I asked, knowing that he had to have seen her.

His head shot to me

"Vanessa- I didn't mean-" "I'm sorry" I could barely speak.

"You have no reason to be sorry, Vanessa" he spoke, patting the bench beside him, making me move to sit beside him.

"You're too good to be hurt by her" my voice cracked as he put his arm around me.

"Your mom did hurt me, I'm not going to lie" he whispered.

"But with that hurt- I got the biggest blessing of my entire life" he continued.

"I got a beautiful, smart and talented girl named Vanessa Alexia Gomez and I would do fucking anything-" "Hemmings" I interrupted, seeing his eyes shoot to me.


"I'm not a Gomez anymore"

"I wanna be a Hemmings"

trustOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora