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"Was it my dad?" She asked, leaning into my hold as we sat on the couch in the darkness, talking every few minutes- discussing what she wanted to do about her last name.

"Was what you're dad?" I tried to play dumb.

"With my mom" she spoke slowly.

"I'm not exactly sure what your dad looked like, princess-" she pulled out her phone, clicking on a picture, showing it to me.

"Yeah- she was with him" I exhaled, watching her nod lightly.

"So my mom left me for the man that abused me" her voice cracked lightly.

I pulled her even closer.

Both of her arms went around my body, holding me- her sadness coming off of her like radiation.

"I didn't even know he was out of jail" she spoke quietly. I ran my fingers through her hair slowly.

"I'm sorry" I whispered to her, knowing how much this probably hurt her.

"He almost fucking killed me Luke" her voice cracked, telling me she was crying.

"The last time he hit me- he just- went insane, I'll never forget it" her voice was shaking, her grip tightened around me, she was working herself up.

"I mean- I had a fucking concussion, broken ribs, internal bleeding, a broken nose- I could've died" she cried out to me.

"And my mom told me that she would never let him hurt me again, but yet she went back to him- she went back to the man that hurt her daughter, how do you do that?" She sobbed out, making me push her head into my chest, letting her sob.

"She's not thinking correctly, princess" I spoke into her hair.

"She's not realizing what she's losing."

She cried into my chest until six in the morning.

I had tried to make her stop- succeeding a few times, but then she would think about it, resulting in tears again.

I was beyond worried about dehydration and I knew Calum would trip as soon as I told him how long she's been upset for.

Soon the guys started coming downstairs to get ready for work.

I called in, knowing I needed a mental health day.

"What's wrong?" Calum asked as soon as he saw the shape of both of us- sitting in silence in the darkness.

"Memories and sadness" I spoke for her, making Calum turn a lamp on.

"How long have you two been away?" He asked.

"She got up around two, I've been up all night" I spoke, kissing her head gently.

"Okay- I'm calling in, I'll call in for you too-" "I already called in, you don't have to call in for us." I spoke, honestly wishing he'd stay home to help me get some emotions out of myself, but not wanting to ask him to do such a big favor.

"No, we've gotta all have a talk- clearly" he spoke, motioning to my long hair and grown out beard, which no one had mentioned, but everyone hated it.

I nodded slowly, letting him do so as I continued to just hold Vanessa, never wanting to let her go- never wanting anyone to ever hurt her.

I could hear the guys talking in the kitchen- obviously as to why I was holding a tear stained Vanessa, myself on the verge of a breakdown.

I watched Ashton walk in, a sympathy smile on his lips.

"Come on V, lets get some water and go to bed" Ashton spoke, reaching for her hand.

I squeezed her tighter as she went to leave, making her immediately stop moving, her head moving back into my shoulder.

"Luke, you both need sleep man, and she needs water" Ashton spoke slowly.

"We can go to my room together" I spoke, not exactly wanting to be alone.

"Calum wants to talk to you, I'm gonna go upstairs with Vanessa and stay with her until you guys are done, then you can take my place." He spoke firmly, making me give in, slowly nodding.

"I'll come see you in second" I spoke, patting her leg lightly, letting her stand, taking Ashton's hand as he handed her a water bottle, heading upstairs.

I rubbed my face, staying on the couch as I heard Calum enter.

"I know you're trying to be strong for her." He spoke slowly, looking to me, making me look to her.

"But man, you and I both know that you can not hold everything you're feeling inside just so she doesn't see you cry, you've gotta be able to let go too."

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