Chapter 12 - The tour cycle: capital of Germany

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After they performed twice in the land of Sibelius, TwoSet and their team migrated over to Germany. They had four concerts to present there; Berlin, then Munich, followed by Frankfurt and finally Hamburg. It was the last country they were going to perform in in Europe before flying to North America.

When they arrived, Brett, Eddy and Sophie immediately loved the look of the city, which obviously caused the shorter violinist to be on his phone most of the time. The other boy hadn't told him yet about what happened with the pianist the other night. When he got to their shared hotel room after the altercation, he just said she had a question about the interpretation of a piece she wasn't sure about. His friend bought it and they didn't talk about it after that.

However, in Berlin, the two boys noticed their accompanist spent a lot of time on her phone too, but not only to take photos of the city. She was texting someone. Curious as they were, the violinists wanted to find out who she was so intensely talking to, but didn't want to ask directly. They were going to wait until dinner that evening, after their concert.

The atmosphere at their third tour concert was amazing, the public was extremely reactive and really nice to meet afterwards. Like at their presentations in Helsinki, many fans brought them gifts during the meet and greet, and the meeting line was many, many meters long. But that didn't matter, everyone was so sweet and Brett, Eddy and Sophie had a blast that evening.

They decided to go to McDonalds after the show, because they hadn't eaten much before. The entire team was starving and a snack was well needed.

When they sat down after taking their order, Brett and Eddy looked at each other, wondering if they should ask about the person Sophie was talking to. Actually, she was on her phone at that very moment.

"Hey Sophie," Brett called.

The accompanist lifted her head up from the screen and tilted her head curiously.

"Who have you been talking to this entire day?", Eddy joked before looking at his partner and winking.

"Oh!", the German girl exclaimed, "That's just my boyfriend."

Eddy's heart skipped a beat. He remembered what she tried to do the other night, without even being drunk, knowing that she had a boyfriend. He tried not to show it, but he felt even more uncomfortable after learning this than before. Chen was wondering if he should tell Brett or not. Meanwhile, Yang insisted:

"Who is it? Do we know him?"

"Um, yeah. We're not really public yet, but I trust you not to tell anyone," she pressed her look on the taller boy before turning back to the other. "He's uh.. Ben Lee?"

Yang let out a loud 'WHAT?!' before letting his head fall into his hands, bursting into a quiet fit of laughter. Chen, on his side, stayed silent but opened his eyes so wide, it looked like they were about to explode.

"God, you two are like kids," she laughed. "You'd be a.. cute couple. I mean, if you aren't one already." She looked at Eddy and giggled again.

"Wait, what was that about?" Brett asked.



QnA answers should be posted tomorrow, maybe along with a new chapter, depending on how I'll feel then. sorry :(
not that much Breddy action in here, but I'm trying to mess with their entourage in general a little ;P
hope you enjoyed this <3

love you,

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