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The Avenger Facility was something else. Clean and light and open. It's something spectacular to outside eyes. But Nina's first experience of the Facility is under the cover of night, and she is out of it, pumped full of sedatives to stop her from lashing out at her saviours. She won't remember this when this is over. Bucky carries her off of the quinjet, clutching her to his chest, whispering to her softly, pleading with her. He spent long enough trying to find her, trying to bring her back to him. For three years he recovered and he searched, almost damn near burnt himself out, if it wasn't for Steve and the others taking over, letting him heal whilst they took over the search for Nina. Steve had been just as desperate, learning that not only one but both of his best friends were still alive, that they'd been tortured and abused and brainwashed, he had to do something. And Nina....She'd spent months trying to persuade people that Bucky wasn't dead, she screamed herself hoarse, drove herself insane with it, and she'd been right. Steve had been one of many to tell her that Bucky was gone and never coming back, Steve had sat there and rocked her back and forth as she cried. And he'd been wrong. He'd been so wrong and he needs the chance to apologise, to make it right. But not yet. Seeing her like that, seeing the state Hydra had her in, after Bucky, it's hard for him. The room they'd found her in was little more then a make shift lab, she was strapped down and barely conscious, Bucky had tried to help her but she was so oblivious to the world around her that she'd lashed out, punched Bucky in the face, tried to fight, they had to dose her with more sedatives, they had to. And Bucky had refused to let anyone else touch her, let alone get close to her. He was protective back in the 40's, scaring off any man that even thought about sniffing around her, but now, now the Winter Soldier is in charge and he won't let anyone touch his sister. Steve doesn't blame him. Bucky glances to Steve before he walks away with Nina in his arms, Bruce hurrying after them. Steve sighs and runs his fingers through his hair and he drops onto the couch behind him. At least she's back with them. At least she is out of Hydra's hands.

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