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Steve and Tony move towards Thor as he strides purposely towards the building. Thor is here for business and not pleasure. And without Loki; who they've been expecting. Tony and Steve turn and walk with him into the facility.


"I need you're help" Thor admits walking with Steve and Tony into the communal living room where all the others have gathered to wait for Thor; Nina is missing though, having spent the night before awake watching over Bucky had her tired through the day, so Steve sent her to her room to rest. He's not sure she will but he has to try; he has to look after her. Thor waves a little to greet those in the room. He will talk to them all properly after this has been dealt with. Loki first. His friends second. "Loki is stuck on Jotunheim" Thor tells them.

"And why would we help him?" Clint asks.

"He's my brother and you have agreed to him becoming an Avenger"

"Reluctantly" Clint mumbles, Thor looks to him.

"Why can't you go?" Steve asks.

"If I was to step foot on Jontunheim as the King of Asgard it would be seen as an attempt at invasion....it would start a war which my people would not survive; not the way they are at the moment; we are still recovering from the damage my sister did"

"What happened? Why is Loki there?" Natasha asks.

"Something happened as we were leaving Vanaheim; the Bifrost....I am not sure what happened, but Loki and I were separated and Heimdall could not reach him...he could not activate the Bifrost. I had to use a portal from Asgard to get here..."

"What could do that?" Bucky asks.

"I do not know" Thor admits. "Loki might know.....and I have people on Asgard looking into it....but a lot of the records and books were lost with Surtur's attack"

"So finding Loki is your best chance at figuring it out" Clint mumbles.

"Yes" Thor agrees. "I wouldn't be asking this of you if I had another plan" Thor admits. "Jotunheim is the last place I would ever want to send my friends but that is where I must"

"I'll go" Nina offers standing behind the group in the doorway having been listening, Bucky snaps his head around to her.

"No, you won't" he argues firmly.

"Jotuenheim from legends is; what? Very cold?" Nina asks, Thor nods.

"Very, very cold" he offers.

"None of you will be able to withstand those temperatures" Nina explains. "But I can"

"She's right" Bruce agrees, Bucky shoots him a look. "Her powers and her body temperature won't allow her to suffer through freezing temperatures"

"It's why I was never placed in Cryo" Nina tells Bucky. "They tried, but they could never get my body temperature low enough; I'm the only that can survive Jotunheim...."

"And possibly the touch of the Jotun themselves" Thor adds cocking his head. "Who is she?" he asks, Nina raises an eyebrow.

"Nina" Steve answers. "Bucky's twin sister.....she's a recent Hydra rescue"

"Oh" Thor smiles at Nina. "You are a super soldier like them?" he asks, she nods.

"She also has pyro based powers" Bruce offers. "Fire" Thor nods impressed.

"Then she is right" Thor looks to Nina. "You will go to Jotunheim and find my brother"

"Whoa, hang on" Bucky argues.

"Buck" Nina warns, he moves to her.

"You're not ready" he offers quietly. "You're not ready for something like this" he touches her hand. "Not alone"

"James" she states using his real name, she shakes her head. "I am not asking for your permission" she points out. "I am going"

"Buck" Steve starts, Bucky looks to him, pleading for some back up on this. Steve shakes his head. "She's been here three months now; and passed her physical"

"It's not her body I'm worried about" Bucky argues.

"She's shown no signs of reverting back into Pyro" Sam adds. "No episodes; her PTSD is managed and under control, therapy is going good, she's well on her way to recovery. There is no reason for her not to do this if she wants to" Bucky grinds his teeth together in annoyance, damn them all for arguing with him. The last time he left his sister alone; she ended up getting kidnapped by Hydra, brainwashed and experimented on. Bucky has no choice in this. And he has to let her do this; to show herself that she can do the right thing. He knows. Still sucks.


"With the Bifrost inactive we will have to seek a different way to Jotunheim" Thor tells Nina as they both walk towards the jet ahead of them with Steve. "So you'll be using a portal in Norway to slip unseen"

"Shield has had it cordoned and under surveillance since you told us about it" Steve offers. Thor nods a little and keeps his attention on Nina.

"My brother may not accept your help to begin with" he warns. "He is very bull headed...and he will not trust you; because he does not know you" Thor turns to her. "Do not let his words get to you" Thor offers. "He can be very....vocal of his mistrust; but he will come around once he realises you are there to help him" she nods and adjusts her suit, before pulling the sweater over the top of it. They've decide to make it look like she's accidentally stumbled onto Jotunheim just in case she is caught. Bucky leaves the jet and gives Thor a nod, Thor nods back.

"Comms" Bucky holds up the device in his right hand and then the one in his left. "Tracker" she sighs a little. "In case..." he mumbles as she takes them from him.

"Jotun have impressive hearing" Thor warns. "So be careful when you use the comms" Nina nods in understanding. "Are you sure you want to do this?" he asks her, she nods sure of herself.

"You'd do anything for your brother" Nina tells Thor who nods. "So would I" Bucky looks to her and smiles. "I'd like to think someone would help me....so I'm helping you" Thor smiles and nods in thanks. Nina turns to Bucky who still looks worried. "I will be fine" she whispers to her brother who looks conflicted, he brushes her hair back and then kisses her forehead.

"Me, Sharon, Wanda and Steve are coming to Norway with you" Bucky admits pulling back. "And we'll wait there how ever long it takes for you to come back through that portal" Bucky adds as Wanda and Sharon walk towards the jet, all wrapped up for the cold weather.

"You don't have to" Nina tells them.

"We're friends" Wanda offers back giving her a soft smile.

"And family" Sharon adds. "We're going and we'll stay" Nina smiles. Touched. She hasn't spent much time with Sharon; but what she has she has come to like the woman, a woman that seems perfect for Steve. That's all that matters. Sharon joins Steve on the jet, Bucky touches Nina's arm before he and Thor move to join them. Wanda takes a few steps and then realises Nina isn't moving. She turns back.

"What's wrong?" Wanda asks her, Nina looks down a little and fiddles with the tracker and comms devices in her hands.

"No one ever cared" Nina tells Wanda. "With missions there was no one there to...worry" Wanda pulls her into a hug, Nina relaxes and hugs her back, finally accepting their friendship.

"We're not Hydra" Wanda argues and pulls back. "You can do this....we're all behind you" Steve steps closer and raises an eyebrow waiting on them.

"You two okay?" Steve asks, Wanda nods and takes Nina's hand.

"Just...girls talk" Wanda answers sharing a look with Nina who smiles and nods. They both join him and the others on the jet, the ramp closing behind them.

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