Epi - Six Years Later

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Nina stands in front of a floor-length mirror admiring herself as Wanda fusses with a collection of jewellery on her dresser. Nina takes a breath and cocks her head as Bucky walks into the room behind her.

"I never thought this day would come" Bucky admits, she glances at his reflection. "After everything we've been through, with Hydra....with Jotunheim and then you and Loki and Býleistr" She nods in agreement. "But here we are..." Nina touches her stomach and smiles at her own reflection. "And you...wearing a white dress and everything...." Bucky teases as he plays with her hair.

"This is actually happening" Nina whispers softly looking over her wedding dress. Bucky nods in agreement.

"Yeah, it is" He voices and touches her back. "You are...ready for this?" Nina chuckles a little.

"Bucky, it's been 6 years, Loki asked me to marry him 3 years ago....we have postponed it over and over because you 'weren't ready'"

"That is not true" Bucky defends, she raises an eyebrow. "It may be a little true" Wanda chuckles and then covers it up when Bucky shoots her a look. "I know it took me some time..." Bucky offers as he turns back to Nina. "But I do want you to be happy, and if that's with Loki.....then yeah, okay" He takes her face in his hands. "I just want you to be happy"

"I am" She admits. "He makes me very happy...." Bucky smiles and nods.

"Then let's get this show on the road, huh?" he teases. Nina smirks at him, he leans closer and kisses her forehead.


Loki sits outside of the Avenger facility, a book in his hand as he waits for his part in the day to happen. He's calm. The calmest he has ever been, because he is not afraid of anything that is about to happen. Loki peers over the top of his book as a flash of fire flies past him and hits the wall. He raises an eyebrow and lowers the book to find the source. A tiny source. Five years old. Black hair with fiery red tips. Pale skin and the greenest of green eyes. Loki smiles and picks up the small girl who giggles and wiggles against him.

"You are going to get your dress all muddy" He scolds weakly, could never be truly angry at the girl. "Eda" He whispers softly and she smiles at him. "Little Eda Mae" He coos stroking her hair. She is his little miracle. His prize. Eda and Nina are his prizes. For everything that he went through. Everything he did. He gets the beautiful woman. And he gets the daughter. He gets a family. And friends. The Avengers have come a long way in trusting him. His relationship with Nina helped. His daughter helped more. And now...now he finally gets to marry the woman he loves. Hence why Eda is wearing the prettiest of little dresses and running around the courtyard of the Avenger facility. "Shall we go and steal some of those tiny cakes?" Loki whispers to Eda who nods excitedly. "Let's go see if Aunty Wanda will let us near them...."


Loki chuckles and kisses Nina's neck as they walk away from the festivities behind them. They are married. Bonded together. Mairead had overseen the whole thing with Edwayen at her side guiding her through her first marriage. The whole ceremony was filled with humans, jotun, and even Asgardians. It was one hell of an affair. Loki would have been happy with it just being him, Nina, and Eda together, but he understood the need for a full ceremony. Thor and Bucky had wanted everyone to be there to see Loki in his new natural habitat. With Nina. He's a changed man. A better man.

"Loki...Nina" Mairead calls for them as she and Edwayen cross the courtyard towards them. Loki stops with Nina to wait for them. "On Jotunheim, the wedded couple does not leave the party early" She teases, Nina smiles a little. Mairead has proven to be a very insightful and caring young queen since she took over the thrown for real. Her guidance under Edwayen has raised her into the perfect queen for the Jotun people.

"We do not do this on Jotunheim but...it is a human custom" Edwayen starts. "And myself, and the Elders, agreed that it would be a nice tradition to adapt" Loki raises an eyebrow.

"What?" he asks them.

"A binding spell," Edwayen tells them as she holds up a vial. "Water from the spring" Nina frowns at her as Loki cocks his head. "You drink this, and you will live and die...as Loki does," She tells Nina. "You will age and live as long as he does" Loki lets out a breath and closes his eyes. He has been afraid to voice his concerns over Nina ageing, they don't know how the super-soldier serum works for that and he has been terrified of the concept of Nina ageing and dying before his eyes. He's been afraid of losing her before he is ready. Edwayen holds out the vial to Nina who takes it. "A wedding gift...a Midgardian custom that we rather like...."

"And know that you both are always welcome on Jotunheim," Mairead tells them both with a smile. "And Eda of course" Nina cries a little and nods, Loki's arm tightening around her waist. "You will have a home with us...if you ever need it"

"Thank you," Loki tells her softly. Edwayen takes Mairead's hand and walks away with her. Loki turns to Nina who looks down at the vial.

"I never even....considered that I would age" She whispers in admittance and then looks at him. "But you did" He nods.

"I love you," He tells her. "And I did...think it might happen" He whispers as he covers her hand with the vial and curls his fingers around it. "Now I don't have to worry that with every year that passes, that it will be one closer to me losing you" He admits. "We will have a long and happy life together, with our daughter....." She smiles and nods. He leans closer and kisses her, pulling his wife closer to him. "So what is it you humans would say now?" He asks against her lips, Nina chuckles and pulls back as Eda runs towards them.

"Happily ever after?" Nina asks as she crouches to pick up Eda.

"Hmmm happily ever after" Loki agrees softly as he watches his wife and daughter together. He finally has everything he ever needs. Nothing can ever take him from them. The love of his life. Both of them. Nina looks at him and smiles. Loki smiles back at her and then steps closer. "Happily ever after indeed" He whispers and kisses her head, his hand stroking Eda's hair. 

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