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Nina coughs a little as she leans over the sink in her bathroom. Blood splatters the bowl of the sink and she groans in pain before coughing again. She spits out the blood from her mouth before leaning up. She wipes her fingers under her nose and then peers at her fingers to find blood smeared there too. Her nose is bleeding. She frowns and touches her nose again. She swipes her hair back and groans a little as the bleeding stops. She reaches up and cleans away the blood with a damp cloth till her face is clean. She stares into the mirror and then leaves the bathroom.


Bucky is cooking breakfast for Nina when she walks into the kitchen and heads for the coffee machine, she fiddles with the buttons and takes a deep breath, Bucky glances at her.

"How was your afternoon with Loki yesterday?" Bucky asks as he sets a plate of scrambled eggs onto the counter next to some bacon. Nina hums and takes a piece of bacon to chew on.

"Who?" Nina asks, Bucky snaps his head up and frowns a little.

"Loki" He answers, slowly, Nina pulls a face and shakes her head, she has no idea who he is talking about. "This isn't funny, Nina" He scolds her, believing that she's messing with him but she just stares at him. "Seriously?" Bucky asks. "He's the guy you currently seem to fancy, for some unknown reason..."

"Okay," She whispers. "Are you feeling alright?" she asks him, Bucky makes a noise in the back of his throat and then walks away. Nina watches him go before she shrugs and goes back to her breakfast. She slips onto the stool and hums to herself as she eats.


Steve follows Bucky into the apartment. Nina is happily eating. Steve frowns a little. Doesn't see what Bucky is worried about.

"She looks fine" Steve points out.

"Yeah, well.....Watch this" Bucky tells Steve who frowns a little. "Nina...." She looks at him. "What happened with Loki?" Bucky asks her.

"Who?" She counters, again, Steve eyes widen slightly and he looks at Bucky who nods.

"We talked about him like 5 minutes ago..." Bucky tells her.

"I honestly don't know what you are talking about, we didn't talk about anything" Nina admits, Bucky motions to her and shoots Steve a look.

"What is happening?!" Bucky asks.


"This is Loki," Bucky tells Nina who sits on the couch, Loki watches Nina a moment but there is nothing, no recognition, no warmth, she frowns and gives Bucky a look.

"Who?" Bucky looks at Loki who sighs and then walks away. Bucky follows him. Loki runs his fingers through his hair, his heart pounding in his chest. This can't be happening to them. This can't be happening, not now, not now everything is working out for them. 

"How was she yesterday?" Bucky asks Loki who nods.

"She was fine, we were talking....we took a walk through the gardens and she was fine...." Loki answers. "Whatever happened has to have happened after...." He takes a breath and looks around, a frown on his face. "Was someone else in here?" He asks.

"Not that I know of" Bucky answers. "Why?"

"I can feel...." Loki spins on the spot as he looks for something. "Magic...powerful magic..." He takes a breath and heads through the apartment to Nina's bedroom.


Loki and Bucky basically ransack Nina's bedroom looking for anything out of place, anything that doesn't belong. The rock that Gonseyt planted is on full display on Nina's bed, the pillow and blankets have been thrown around. But neither Loki nor Bucky seem to be able to see it. Loki huffs and sets the pillow back into place, covering the rock.

"I don't know what it is" Loki admits. "But I can feel something in this room...."

"So maybe we just have her sleep somewhere else for a couple of nights....." Bucky offers. Loki nods.

"It's a start" Loki admits. "She must have tracked something back from Jotunheim..." He closes his eyes.

"You really like her, don't you?" Bucky asks quietly. Loki nods.

"I love her" He admits and turns to look at Bucky. "And I know everyone has their opinion of me" He adds. "But I really do care about her...And something has taken that from me...." Loki offers, tears in his eyes. "From her....because she cared, she was happy..." Bucky nods in agreement, even he could see that. "And it's gone..." Nina knocks on the door frame and frowns at the two of them. Loki smiles at her.

"Hey" Nina greets. "I'm Nina" she offers, Loki nods but frowns a little. "Who are you?" Loki's breath catches slightly and he steps closer to her.

"I'm Loki" he holds out his hand to her, she looks at it and then at him. She smiles in greeting and takes his hand. Bucky watches them sadly.

"I put some tea on...would you like some?" She asks them both. Bucky nods.

"We'd love some" He answers. "We'll be right out" Nina nods and then leaves them be. "We just did the whole introduction thing" Bucky points out. "But it's like..."

"She forgets all over again" Loki answers. "Every mention, even us meeting, she forgets...." He looks at Bucky. "I don't know how to fix this" He admits, his voice breaking.


Loki and Bucky join Nina in the kitchen as she finishes making up some tea. She looks at them both.

"Tea's done" She offers Bucky as she turns to where there are two mugs set out. "And your friend?" Nina asks. "Is he staying?" Loki swallows a little, fighting his emotions as she watches him.

"No, it's okay" he assures her. "I should.....be going"

"Loki" Bucky whispers, Bucky really thinks that Loki should stay and try and remind Nina about what they have. 

"I need to do some research" Loki counters and then leaves. Nina watches him go before she turns to Bucky.

"Who was that?" She asks him, Bucky looks at her sadly.

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