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Nina stands looking out over the snow and ice of Norway, her arms folded over her chest as she lets the cold air brush against her skin, she can't feel it's chill but the sensation is there. Her eyes track a bird above the facility, circling. Something rather calming actually, the hypnotic movement as it follows the same route, stalking, it's hunting for something in the snow below it. There are heavy footsteps in the snow behind her as Thor walks towards her, letting himself be heard so as not to alarm her, he made that mistake with Bucky the first time they met, he'd been to silent and alarmed the assassin when he spoke behind him. Thor ended up with a knife in his shoulder and a gun in his face before Bucky realises what was happening. Thor forgave him, it was his own fault after all.

"Are you ready?" Thor asks behind her, Nina drops her eyes from the bird and nods sharply before turning to him; Thor looks worried; because he is worried about her. The Jotun shouldn't be underestimated, they shouldn't be taken on lightly. And Loki....well he shouldn't either. And he's sending her into the Giants den with a snake as her only protection. And Thor has already come to like Nina. They spoke on the flight over, mostly about Loki but he found Nina is more intelligent then she likes to make out, he's also found her more endearing and warm hearted; the way she asks about his family in a way that was meant to not upset him, the way she let him talk about things without interrupting, the way he could see her watching him intently. He knows even Steve struggles to listen to him talk about Asgard; not for any mean reason but because Steve still finds it hard to grasp the concept of Gods and Goddesses. He's more religious then Nina; the concept to her is more easily believed or accepted and it shows when she listens to him.


Thor and Nina approach the portal point ahead of them. She's trying not to let her nerve show, but this is her first mission since Hydra, this is her first 'hero' mission and she's not sure she's suited for that role, it's what's been bothering her the most after Bucky brought up missions months ago. She wasn't sure she would ever get to this point. She looks up from her feet and tucks her hands into her pockets. Bucky, Steve, Wanda and Sharon are bundled up waiting for them, Steve's arm around Sharon to keep her warm. Nina and Bucky share a look the closer she gets, sees the fear in his eyes, he's just got her back and now he's worried he is going to loose her again.

"Give us a second" Bucky grabs Nina's arm and pulls her away, she shoots him a look as he basically drags her along, they both stand ankle deep in the snow staring at one another, the worry and concern that flickers across his eyes as he thinks on what she is about to do and he has to try and talk her out of it. He doesn't care about Loki, he doesn't, but Nina is his sister. His family. The only family he has left. So he is damn well going to defend and protect her.....he takes a breath and wraps his hands around her arms. "Listen to me" he starts, voice hard and serious, he want her to absorb what he is about to say to her, "You don't have to do this" he tells her. "If you're doing it to prove a point, or to...earn you keep or whatever"

"I'm doing it because it's the right thing to do" she argues stopping him. Bucky looks down. "I'm doing it because if it was us and I was trapped somewhere or you were trapped somewhere I would like to think someone would do the same....I'm doing it because I need to; I need to do this, Bucky, not for anyone but myself.....I need to know I can be the good guy when it comes down to it....I need to know that Hydra didn't...." she looks away and sighs struggling. "I need to know that I am a good person despite...." she shakes her head, that's not right either. "I need to know I can make amends for what I have done" she looks to him pleading with him to be okay with this. "I'll be fine" she tries to assure him, but the truth is they don't know what's waiting for her on the other side of that portal. "We're Barnes'....we survive" he smiles a little and nods pulling her into a hug, she hugs him back tightly, the two of them just clinging to the other. They walk back to the others hand in hand, Bucky looks to Steve who gives him a reassuring smile. Steve is struggling too, his desire to keep his best friends close and safe from all the bad, knowing how much they've both suffered already. But he knows Nina has a mind of her own, she always did. Thor and Nina share a look, she nods telling him she's ready for this. That she can do it.


The Jotun don't trust Loki; that much is clear by the wide birth they give him as he walks the halls. He's pretty sure they could easily take him on here, they have the numbers right now. But of course killing Loki would start a diplomatic incident with Thor and Asgard and despite their numbers Asgard has beaten the giants before. Both races are too slim in numbers to take a war and they both know this. So for now....Loki lives. As he walks into the throne room Loki pauses seeing a commotion ahead of him. He moves slower watching them, one of the Jotun is holding something in his hand, Loki catches flashes of red hair and pale skin before he gets a really good look. A human. Loki holds his breath, there is a human here, something, someone who can throw a spanner in his plans. Someone who could recognise him. Someone that could know of his redemption. Someone that can blow the lies he's told to stay alive. She is thrown at Býleistr's feet as he stands, her eyes wide with terror, her red hair wild. She lifts her head and sees just how tall Býleistr is. She scrambles backwards.

"Please, I didn't meant to!" she screeches backing away, pushing herself along the ice. "It was just a cave, I thought it was just a cave" her eyes scan around, nervous and alarmed. Býleistr pulls a knife from his belt and approaches her. Loki sucks in a breath. Loki is a good guy now, an almost Avenger, he cannot, for the sake of his new found humanity, allow them to kill this girl. He closes his eyes and steels himself before stepping forward.

"Wait!" Loki shouts, then internally cringes, all eyes turn to him and he schools his expression, readies himself for what he is about to do. "Release her" he demands.

"And why would we do that?" Býleistr asks him.

"Because she is my wife" Loki announces, she looks up at him, eyes wide in surprise.

A/N - I was going to make Nina Loki's pet/slave whilst 'undercover' but I decided against it. I think with him being the 'good' guy now, making her his fake wife will show that new side of him, and as a good guy I don't see him feeling comfortable treating her like a slave, especially after everything he went through with the Other, Thanos and the Grandmaster. 

Rise of the Phoenix (L. Laufey/Odinson)Όπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα