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Asgard was almost destroyed, almost, it literally hung on by the skin of it's teeth, if it had teeth, but now it's king needs to gather aid, mend bridges, so Thor takes Loki around the Nine Realms gathering supplies, aid, man power. They walk together now, heading towards Vanaheim's Bifrost. Loki rolls his eyes listening to Thor, why Loki had to come along with him was beyond him. Thor had insisted. To mend Loki's own bridges. Now that his brother was back, his rebellious phase passed. Loki has grown significantly since the days he wanted to take over Earth. Matured. Learnt to love his 'brother', to understand that Thor had no reason to doubt Loki was his brother either, they both believed the lie, and Loki learnt that family....it's more then the blood shared, it's...bonds made. Ties that tether them together. He knows that now. He understands. It's just taken him a while. But he does get it now. Thor still annoys him beyond the Nine Realms but Loki knows that's a brother thing now. Thor just irritates him, but Loki is adjusting to it. Whilst Thor boasts joyfully about his latest adventure Loki lets his mind wander. He's too tired to listen to another of his brother's stories. Loki still can't sleep properly. He is haunted and tormented by the things he'd seen and done. And the things done to him. He can't remember the last time he slept through a night without waking in pain, or afraid. He won't talk to Thor about it, he's too embarrassed by it. Reaching their destination Thor bids farewell to the enclave of Vanaheim before he and Loki stand side by side, ready to leave, Loki and Thor share a look, Loki nods, assuring his brother he is ready to go. Thor looks up and then the Bifrost explodes around them, enveloping the two men in a bright blue light before they vanish from Vanaheim. Travelling through the Bifrost is always a little magical, the colours, the noise, the feeling. But this time it's wrong. It's jumpy and sticky and both men know it. Loki is suddenly thrown from the Bifrost and it doesn't take long for Thor to find himself thrown either.


Loki pushes himself up and looks around before rolling his eyes and groans. Of course. Of course this is where he lands. Letting out a breath and runs his fingers through his hair.

"Jotunheim" he comments. What's left of it anyway. He can't be here. He looks up. "Heimdall!" he shouts and waits. But there is nothing. No tell tale sign of the Bifrost. He's stuck here. He looks around again. This is not...good. Loki takes a deep breath to calm himself, it's been a long time since he set foot on this retched realm, not long enough though, no amount of time will be long enough. He needs to figure out a plan to keep in alive long enough for him to either figure a way back or for someone to come get him.


Nina lingers in the doorway to Bucky's room listening to him whimper in his sleep, she's unsure what she is supposed to do here. He's having a nightmare and she can't remember how to fix it. What sort of sister does that make her? She can't even remember how to comfort him. She can barely remember how to be a sister any more. There are footsteps behind her, approaching the doorway, she can sense that it's Steve, his scent, the way he walks, even the way his body moves. Steve appears at her shoulder and she glances to him, they share a look and he gives her a small sad smile.

"Friday told me you were up" he admits quietly. "And that Bucky was having a nightmare" he moves to her side as she looks back to Bucky.

"Does he get them a lot?" she asks him quietly.

"More often then not" he answers. "What about you?" he asks. "Why are you awake at 3 am?"

"Couldn't sleep" she admits looking to him. "Too quiet here. Used to people coming and going, walking past my......cell, even when I was....hibernating" she sighs a little. "What do I do?" she asks. "How do I help him?"

"Go sit with him" Steve offers. "Just let him know that you're here...that he's safe, that you're both okay" she looks to Bucky. "It's okay" Steve assures her. "Some times he needs comfort...." she takes a step into the room, cautious. Steve is just trying to help them bond again, to help her get involved. Nina sits on the bed and cautiously reaches for Bucky, her hand finding his cheek, he jerks awake and pulls a knife on her, pressing it against her throat. His features that of the Winter Soldier not of Bucky but he shifts, as soon as he realises who he has a knife too he drops it, his features turning sad and regretful.

"Nin" he whispers and grabs her by the hair to pull her closer, clutching her to him, his metal arm wrapping around her back. He cries into her shoulder. Nina looks to the doorway as Steve lingers, they share a look before he backs out and leaves them alone closing the door behind him. Bucky shifts pulling Nina into his bed, keeping his sister close to him, he just needs to reiterate that she is really here with him. He clings to her as she strokes his head.

"It's okay" she whispers soothingly at him. "It was just a bad dream" he sniffles.


Loki ends up allowing himself to be 'captured' and taken to the Jotunheim Royal Palace, for now they won't risk killing him until they know for sure if he is alone or not. Loki is brought forward in the throne room, wall to wall and floor to ceiling ice and carvings, it's....something to see, even if he hates the people, Loki can appreciate good craftsmanship, Loki is flanked by two Jotun who watch him carefully, many of them will know who he is, or at least have an idea, there is ice in his blood after all and they'll be able to sense it. He can sense it in them. Sitting on the throne in the centre against the far wall, much like Laufey once had, is Býleistr, Laufey's son. Loki's brother. Something Loki didn't dwell on. His birth family. His younger brother. Meaning Loki's claim is more legitimate then Býleistr's, but he's already been crowned. For Loki to turn up and announce his desire for the throne will throw them, will set about ancient traditions. They cannot kill him. This buys him time to figure out how to get out of this place and back to Asgard.

"Speak!" Býleistr demands standing.

"I am Loki" Loki offers taking a step closer, eyes flickering around, he has one way, only one way to survive this. "Laufeyson" Loki announces and then takes a deep breath. "I am here to claim my rightful place on his throne" whispers spread but Loki doesn't take his eyes off Býleistr. Býleistr stares back at Loki and then stands, Loki tries to stand up taller, tries because he was a runt, it is why he was abandoned, he's small for a Jotun. Býleistr is tall, towers really, even taller then Thor, larger too. If it came down to hand to hand Loki will loose, he knows this. But logic, Loki is a better thinker. Býleistr nods, though his eyes show how he truly feels about his big brother. The hate. The vengeance.


Loki is shown to a room, chambers, large and decorative, the ice more intricate and designed then the rest of the palace. Loki touches the wall next to the door. The story of Laufey carved out in ice. Right up to his death. Of course. This room was chosen to pull at Loki's guilt strings. He turns away and moves towards the open balcony doors and he steps out, the cold of the realm brushing over his skin. He takes a breath and looks out over Jotunheim, he places his hands on the railing in front of him and watches his skin turn blue, his Jotun form appearing. Perhaps this is the punishment he is to receive for all his crimes, now he has chosen to repent, now is the time they throw him at the Jotun mercy. There are three ways out of this: an assassin gets him, Býleistr kills him, or he escapes. Loki is, of course, hoping for choice three, but the other two are more promising. 

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