Chapter 27

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Author's POV

"No Dean this  is not going to happen , never in million years . I will rather die than to put a piece of vanilla cake in my mouth " Jess screamed from behind the locked door .

"It's just a cake guys . Stop your childish behaviour this instant " Rachel scolded before knocking at their bedroom door again .

"Rachel's right Jess it's just a cake ,comprise on it just like I did when you choose Lilies for decoration instead of roses "he said in voice loud enough for her to hear .

"You compromised because deep down you know roses are as stupid as your stubborn a**. And lilies are as beautiful as my angelic face "she yelled making poor Rachel shake her head .Currently Jess and Dean were fighting over their wedding cake . Seriously couldn't they find better topic ? Rachel thought before letting out a  sigh.

"Flowers can't be stupid my love " he stated .

In  no time the door jerked open and there stood Jesse Alison Page with annoyed look on her face .

"You will lose the right to call me love if you don't agree " she said looking right into his eyes .

"Ughh fineee"he finally gave up .

"Oh my sweet Lord is it really over ?" Rachel had her hand over her chest with shocked expression on her face . Was it finally over ?could she finally go home and enjoy the comfort of her dear bed ? Could she see her lovely cat now? 

"You are so dramatic Rachel "Jess said with bored look

Rachel let out a sarcastic laugh .

"Of course it's me who's dramatic not these two morons who were fighting over cake for LAST TWO HOURS " .

"Rachel dear there must be some misunderstanding I am pretty sure you weren't supposed to call me moron " Dean said showing her his perfect Hollywood smile
Both friends rolled their eyes at him.

"Guess what ?I am not even going to make an effort to make you understand how stupid you are looking to me right now Dean "with that she turned towards her friend.

"I don't know why you made me stay here and listen to your pointless argument but now I am heading home " saying that she turned on her heels to pick her bag that was placed on coffee table.

"Have dinner with us . I won't get to see for whole one week "Jess's voice was sad she was definitely going to miss her best friend.  She knew it was just a week but she couldn't help feeling sad already .

" You know I can't stay  any longer I  still have to finish packing  and please don't be sad Bell's going to be here with you "she smiled at her and from the corner of her eye she saw Dean lost in his thoughts .

Dean felt so confused . A part of him wanted to let Rachel know that Aaron's going be there but a bigger part of him wanted his friend to have this chance to talk to his wife . He thought maybe Aaron would somehow get her to listen to him . He looked so broken when he saw him this morning .

"Alright .... take care and do not forget to call me " they hugged and after bidding goodbye to Dean who looked somewhat confused she went home .


"Hurry Rosie I am gonna get late " Rachel said before hopping into backseat of Brandon's Jaguar.

"Your cat's attempts to run away from me is gonna get you late not me" Rosie had annoyed look on her face as she held struggling Bell in her arms . Rachel chuckled looking at her poor cat . She felt sorry for leaving her alone but she couldn't take bell with her .

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