Chapter 29

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Bonjour everybody! I known the update is overdue and I am truly sorry for that . I was quite busy to find time to write . I will try to update next chapter soon . Thanks for waiting patiently.
I hope you will like this chapter . Don't forget to vote . Give your precious comments , I'll be waiting for them :)

Author's POV

"Stupid wedding jitters" Rachel mumbled making her grumpy bestie snap her head towards her .

"What did you just say ?" She asked with anger lacing her each word .

"Oh honey nothing . I think you are hearing things . You need a nice nap Jessie darling " Rachel replied in over dramatic way while rolling her blue eyes .

"What kind of best friend you are Rachel . I am not well and its not funny "she yelled the last word as she held her head between her hands .

two days away from her wedding and Jess was already driving everyone crazy ..

"Rachel dear let her be . She ain't getting any better until after the wedding "the older red head spoke casually .

"She is gonna waste her day like this Mrs Page " Rachel said before looking back at Jess who still had her head hanging low as if she is going on a war to fight a day after tomorrow instead of church to get married .

Rachel picked her phone from beside her to text the only person who could help her right now .

"Shame on you Rachel . I am you best friend and I am not fine and you are texting someone when you're suppsoed to dedicate every single second of yours to me right now "her mother and Rachel almost laughed at how emotional and dramatic she sounded but they controlled their laughter as it could make Jess even more furious .

" done ? Now shut up Jess'' Rachel warned before turning her attention back to phone .

'Hey Dean call your soon-to-be wife and calm her over dramatic soul before she kills us all with her wedding jitters ' she instantly hit the send button before standing up to leave .

"I need to get back to work . I am sorry you have to handle her alone Mrs page " Rachel said in fake sympathetic tone making Mrs Page chuckle .

"I will try my best but if she runs away tell Dean I am sorry " Jess glared at her mother before turning to her best friend .

"I will never forget this Rachel believe me I will take my revenge one day " she said making both Rachel and her mother roll their eyes at her .

"Sure " with that Rachel took her leave after assuring Mrs Page that she'll be back in few hours as she would need her help in some wedding preparations .

Jess's wedding was making her crazy as well . She was her maid of honour and the title came with tasks . She had alot to do but very few hours and Jess being most annoying bride on the face of earth was making her frustrated .

She was very happy for her best friend but right now she wanted nothing but a peaceful nap , nice lunch and perhaps some massage too .

Her stomach growled as she hoped into her car ,realizing that she hadn't eaten since yesterday she decided to stop for lunch but she didn't have time to waste . Jess had already made her late . She had to get back to her work before finally going home for some time where her fluffy , orange cat was waiting for her .


"I hate you Aaron " she threw her bag across the room and he did his best to keep his lips in a straight line when he really wanted to let out a soft chuckle .

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