A Fateful Excursion

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Disclaimer: I own NOTHING! I just created a handful of characters for my own amusement.

Thank you all for giving this story a chance. I absolutely loved AQUAMAN and really wanted to write a story surrounding these characters and I wanted to explore Atlantis. I especially liked King Orm and think he might've made a great king if he had the right person with him.

If you enjoy this story, please check out other stories I've written. Winter Break is here so hopefully I'll update them more frequently!

Nerida and Orm grew to be close as friends could be. Orm finally had a companion close to his own age to play with and watch over. Nerida had someone to keep her company when her mother was busy with her research and her father was busy with the King and Queen. Both families took pride in the fellowship of the two because they brought out the best in each other. Atlanna hoped that maybe her youngest son may have a chance at a true marriage built of friendship and trust but Orvax was consulting with Vulko about an alliance with Xebel through a union between Mera and Orm.

On this particular day, both Nerida and Orm were excited because Nerida's mother was taking them on a trip to some ancient ruins to teach them their history. This exploration would hold their attention better than sitting with a databook listening to her drone on. Because of their noble status, a small escort of guards would go with them incase trouble found them.

The ruins were from a piece of the ancient city where King Atlan himself visited often. Lady Vulko believed that there was an ancient library buried beneath the broken city. She smiled and turned to the two curious nobles.

"Alright," She clasped her hands together. "Who can tell me how we came to live in the ocean?"

Nerida gasped and shot her hand up and waved it frantically causing ripples in the water. Orm rolled his eyes and held her hand still. "Settle down before you attract a sharks with your flapping."

Nerida stuck her tongue out and turned to her mother. "Ambition sunk the city. Scientists pushed too far too fast."

Lady Vulko nodded in approval. "Good work, Nerida."

Nerida stood straighter with pride while Orm playfully nudged her with his elbow. "Teacher's Pet."

"Alright, children." She motioned toward their bags. "Pull out your databooks and you'll find a list of symbols and artifacts I want you to find. I've already been here so I know that all the items on the list are here. The guards will be close by but stay within this area." She pointed toward the immediate area. "This is a safe zone because the rest is highly unstable. So stay in this area...and have fun!"

The children giggled and took off for their scavenger hunt. The two swam around the giant broken sculptures and played a quick game of tag before moving on to the items on their list.

"It's too bad Mera couldn't come." Orm found the first item and began translating the inscription in his databook. "She's better at these translations than I am."

"Oh please." Nerida waved him off. "You're smarter than you let on. You really shouldn't hide it."

Orm hung his head and sighed. "I know...but I want to be a great warrior like father! Not a silly scholar."

"Can't you be both?" Nerida asked. "I mean, no one wants to to follow a stupid king, right?"

Before he could reply, Orm noticed a turtle with some debris on its neck. The children swam to it confused over the poor state of the creature.

"Oh poor thing!" Nerida strokes it's head. "We have to help it. It's choking!"

Orm quickly pull out a small dagger he kept on his hip. Father gave him that dagger against his mother's wishes. The King insisted that he was old enough to be responsible for such a small weapon. He told Nerida to keep the turtle still while he carefully cut around the turtle's neck. With each cut he felt more confused about Surface Dwellers. Mother always told him that Surface Dwellers were nice and that someday he would understand. But seeing this helpless turtle in such a state made him think more about his father's views.

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