First Lesson on Duty

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Disclaimer: I own NOTHING! I just created a handful of characters for my own amusement.

Thank you all for giving this story a chance. I absolutely loved AQUAMAN and really wanted to write a story surrounding these characters and I wanted to explore Atlantis. I especially liked King Orm and think he might've made a great king if he had the right person with him.

If you enjoy this story, please check out other stories I've written. Winter Break is here so hopefully I'll update them more frequently!

King Orvax took on the responsibility of training Orm personally. He reasoned that his skill was unmatched and his trident had never known defeat. It was only logical that the Crown Prince should learn from the best. However, that wasn't his only reason. He saw how close his son was to his mother and, he had to admit, he was a little jealous. It was impossible not to fall in love with Atlanna. Perhaps it was his own stoic manner that translated to others that he was unreachable or maybe he was just the sort who preferred it that way. As king he needed to be seen as something beyond reach. But he didn't intend that for his child. When the Surface Dwellers nearly tore his family apart just like Vulko's, he knew that something had to change for his son if he was going to be the ruler Atlantis needed.

At first these sessions were...awkward to put it mildly. He didn't know how to get more out of Orm besides "yes, sir" and "no, sir". It wasn't until he observed how Atlanna interacted with Orm that he understood. He wasn't training just another soldier. He needed to connect with him on a personal level if he had any hope of reaching Orm. So Orvax took Orm on a trip, just the two of them, to the Council of the Kings.

"I brought you here," Orvax began, "To remind you why we're doing this training."

"What is this place?" Orm asked with wide-eyed wonder. Above them were gigantic statues each holding a magnificent trident. The statues had their decaying arms raising their tridents as a symbol of unity.

"This is the Council of the Kings." Orvax smiled as he rested his hands on Orm's shoulders. "Our ancestors once came together, united in the face of tremendous odds. These great kings knew that only together will they push back against those who threaten their kingdoms."
He swam so he was eye-level with his son. "Lady Nerida told me what you did the day the Surface Dwellers attacked. How you saved her."

Orm hung his head in shame. "I-I didn't do anything...I didn't stop them..."

Orvax raised Orm's chin forcing him to look into his eyes. "A good king knows when he's outmatched. You did what a good king would do and protected your people as best you could. I'm proud of you."

Orm's eyes lit up at that. His father was always hard to read but when he spoke he chose his words carefully. Orvax straightened himself and swam towards the tridents they left on the sea floor with Orm following closely behind. "I'm going to teach you all I know. I'm going to give you the right books and weapons but that last piece is going to come from you. Only you know what kind of king you want to be and only you will be responsible on how to get there. Do you understand?"

Orm nodded eagerly and reached for his trident. "Can we start now?"

Orvax laughed as he nodded his head and began warm-up drills. Orm eagerly mirrored him.
While Orvax was away with Orm, Atlanna took a moment to think about Arthur and Tom. The only momento she kept from her time on the Surface was a photo of Tom and Arthur but was encased in glass to prevent water damage. She took it out and sadly smiled at the image of Arthur. How big he must be! She imagined their laughter in the Lighthouse with Arthur's latest artwork decorating the refrigerator. Did he remember her? Was Tom still waiting for her at the end of the dock every sunrise? Did they miss her?

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