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~Y/n'a pov~

I put my phone down and run to get the door, and I see a pale El in the doorway.

"El?!" I exclaim and hug her tightly. "Where have you been?" She just pushes me out of the way and runs to the bathroom. I run after her and I see her open the toilet and vomit.

"El? Are you okay?" I say, putting my hands over my nose.

"I've never been bette-" and she starts vomiting again. I go over to help and hold her hair back for her.

She was literally spilling her guts out, and there was nothing to spill out. Everything that came out of her mouth was see-through liquid.

After a few minutes she was done, and she flushed the toilet.

"What have you been doing?" I ask her, as she washes her hands and rinses her mouth.

"I- I was just..." she takes a deep breath. "I needed some space."

"And why are you bringing home the plague?"

"Listen, I just need to lay down." And I help her way to the living room, where she lay down on the couch.

She starts doing breathing exercises, and I stand there in confusion. Was she drinking? She didn't smell like alcohol. Or liquor or anything. She smelled like... herself.

"El, please tell me what's wrong." I say, as I kneel down and hold her hand tight.

After a moment of silence, she tells me.

"I'm pregnant." She breathes out, and my breath gets taken away. I didn't know if I should be happy or sad, this has never happened to any friend of mine before.

"And?" I needed answers, but I didn't know how to ask for them.

"And it's Taehyungs."

To be continued...

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