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Jimin's pov


Yesterday's picnic was amazing, yet I couldn't help but notice.... well, everything!

I realized that all of us were in love with y/n. ALL OF US.

This is not good, not good at all.
But I'm tired of this, we have to tell her, right?

But first, I have to tell them.

"HEY CAN I PLEASE TALK TO ALL OF YOU RIGHT NOW?!" I yell, standing in the middle of the living room.

I know nobody was doing anything important right now. They were just lazy.

After five minutes, the only people sitting on the couch were Namjoon, Taehyung and Yoongi, and Yoongi is only here since he was here in the first place.

"This better be important." Yoongi says.

"It is."

We wait for another minute.


Suddenly, a stampede of hot men came running down and plopped onto the couch

And then they became annoying (as always) and started talking. At the same time.

"What's wrong with her?"

"She's not gonna leave us again right? Everything is finally okay-"

"Jimin, if this is one of your dumb pranks I will bite your toes off."

"No guys just LISTEN!" I say, making them shut up.

"Yesterday at the picnic, I realized something bad. Like it was so obvious, and bad. And we need to do something before it gets out of hand again." I explain.

"Are you talking about Jungkook's undetected gonorrhea?" Yoongi says.

"Dude, that was supposed to be a secret." Jungkook whispers back.

"You weren't joking?!"

"Where the hell did you get gonorrhea from?"

"What's gonorrhea?"

"But you're baby!"

"HEY BACK TO CHIMCHIM THANK YOU!" They shut up. Again. Istg it's like they have ADHD or something.

"What I was going to say was that," I continue. "I could tell yesterday that we all have some type of romantic feeling towards y/n."

They all stay quiet. Seriously?

"We should tell her before she becomes close with us again." I say after sighing.

After a long pause, Namjoon agrees. The only man with a brain here.

"I mean we could always hide our feelings." Jungkook suggests.

"And look how great that turned out last time." Seokjin answers.

"Since when did you like her?" I ask.

"Since I slept with your mom, does it really matter? Point is, we must tell her. Namjoon go and text her right now."

We all look at each other, hearts beating extremely fast.

"Shouldn't we plan on what we should say?" Hobi says as he lays on Yoongi's lap.

"No. We should just blurt it all out when she comes here." Taehyung says.

"In order too, we can't just all talk at the same time and kill her brain cells just like you all did to me right now." I say.

"Plus I already sent the text." Namjoon holds up the phone.

Okay, it was settled. Now we have to wait for an answ-

"She's coming in ten minutes."


We all get up and run in different directions. Some of us ran upstairs to change, while others started to frantically clean the living room.

I can't believe we are going to tell her.

Hopefully, not much will change.

To be continued...

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