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Tae: I just don't feel well

Y/N: Are you nervous, Tae?

Tae: I don't know, I just don't know

Y/N: You know you'll do great, stop worrying

Tae: I have to get my make up done, will call you after that

Y/N: Sure babe

Tae: 💜

As Taehyung left to get his makeup done, Y/N waited for him. She heard the doorbell and Apu called out 'Coming!' as she went on to get it.

Apu opened the door and froze in place.

'What the hell are you doing here?' she asked, staring at the unannounced visitor.

Mark grinned and said 'Is this how you welcome your boyfriend home, baby?'

'What the hell is wrong with you?! How many times do I tell you to leave me alone?!' Apu said, her anger rising.

Just she she began closing the door on him, he pushed back, and Apu stumbled back with a scream.

Y/N rushed towards the living room and towards Apu to break her fall.

'Mark?!' she said, staring at him in shock.

'Guess you haven't changed after all' Mark said with a shrug as he entered the house followed by another man. He closed the door behind them.

'You two got me suspended' Mark said with a serious face. 'Do you know how much trouble I had to through to get myself cleared? You're lucky I still love you'

'Fuck you, Mark. You can't just waltz into my house-' Apu's sentence was cut off mid way when Mark grabbed her harshly.

Y/N pulled her other arm and said 'Let her go!'

Mark was obviously stronger, that he shoved Apu out of the way and slapped Y/N across her face. Y/N fell back in the impact, and her ribs came in contact with the edge of the table as she fell to the floor.

'Y/N!' Apu screamed, running towards her friend, only to be grabbed by Mark again.

Y/N's eyes clouded with tears as pain shot through her body. Blood oozed out of her split lip, and her hand seemed to have ended up under her awkward as she fell.

Apu screamed and kicked at Mark as he tried to get her to talk to him. His friend seemed to be watching Y/N closely, a hint of fear visible in his eyes. He glanced over at Mark and said 'You said she was your girl-'

'Shut up.' Mark snapped at him.

'Y/N!!! Y/N?!!' Apu screamed loudly, hoping someone would hear her.


Soobin stood frozen in front of his apartment, key half inserted into the lock, and staring at his neighbor's door. He knew Y/N and Apu quite well, having been their neighbor for more than an year.

Apu's loud screams confirmed his doubts and he quickly called the police. He went on to their door and banged on it hard, calling out to Apu and Y/N.

'Y/N! Apu! Open the door!!' he called out.

He could hear muffled cries from inside, but no one responded.


'Grab her' Mark instructed his friend as he heard someone banging on the door from outside. 'Fast!'

His friend grabbed Y/N off the floor roughly, his hands gripping at her arms tight enough to leave bruises. He covered her mouth with his hand as she cried out in pain.

'Let me go! Mark what is wrong with you?!' Apu said, as mark manhandled her.

Within a few minutes, the door burst open, and the boys tried to make a run for it as the police appeared.

Soobin made his way in, and sighed in relief to see his friends. He poured them some water, as the police began questioning them about the attack.

He accompanied them to the hospital where the girls had their wounds treated and by the time they reached home after all the formalities, it was night.

'Are you sure you can stay alone?' Soobin asked for the hundredth time.

'We're fine, Soobin. Thank you for all the help.' Apu said and closed the door and bolted it as he left.

She turned to Y/N, threw her arms around her and burst out crying.

'I was so scared!' she cried and Y/N comforted her friend.

She had never wrong seen Apu so broken, and it hurt her.

'We are alright, Apu. They got him. He won't bother us now.' Y/N said, trying to believe it herself.

'I'm so sorry, Y/N. It's all my fault' Apu said.

'He's a psycho! It's not your fault! Stop saying that!' Y/N said. 'Now go to bed. Just get some sleep.'

After tucking Apu in, she made her way to her room. All she wanted was to hug Taehyung and feel safe in his arms. She grabbed her phone from her bed where she had left it in the morning, and as she was about to call Taehyung, she saw all the texts and missed calls from him.

Her heart pounded as she thought how worried he would be. She never missed any of his calls, and so it might have scared him to have passed an entire without a word form her.

She dialled his number quickly and waited for him to pick up. Just as he picked up, she began 'Tae-'

'Where the hell were you?!'

His voice was so sharp, Y/N was taken aback. She had never heard him this angry before.

'Where did you go?! Do you know how many times I called? I was worried sick!' his anger seemed to rise with every word.

Y/N sniffed as more tears formed in her eyes.

'Taehyung, I'm sorry' she said. 'But-'

'All you had to do was tell me, whatever it is, I was having such a bad day! All I wanted was to hear your voice, ' Taehyung's voice cracked in the end.

'Tae, please listen to me!' Y/N said. 'Please!'

'What do you have to say, huh? You can be irresponsible and just leave like that, but I should listen to you?!' he voice rose again.

'You don't -' Y/N began, but Taehyung wasn't having any of it.

'You know what? I don't care. Don't call me.'

Y/N hurled her phone across the room in frustration and burst out crying. How could he behave like that?!


'Taehyung.' Jimin stared at his best friend in shock.

'She can do whatever the hell she wants!' Taehyung muttered under his breath, his eyes filling up with tears. 'Fuck this, I don't care!'

'Tae, that is no way to speak to a girl' Jimin said, being the soft person he is, he couldn't stand it. 'Especially to your girl'

Taehyung wiped his tears with the sleeves of his sweater and ran his fingers through his hair in frustration.

'I was so scared, Jimin. I thought something happened, I didn't even ask... I was so mad' he ranted to Jimin who gave him a sympathetic look. 'She never does that, she's always there for me, I don't know what I would do if I lose her-'

Jimin hugged his friend as he cried.

'Just talk to her' Jimin said, rubbing his back gently. 'She'll understand'


'He was worried, Y/N' Apu said, trying to calm down a weeping Y/N. 'He didn't know'

'He was so rude! He just -' Y/N said as she cried. 'I was so hurt, I just wanted him, and he pushed me away just like that-'

Apu sighed as he stroked Y/N's hair.

She felt it was all her fault, and she had to fix it. She couldn't let a misunderstanding break them.

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