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Y/N couldnt help but smile as her mind wandered back to the wonderful day that she had with the boys and Taehyung's family. She was really nervous about having to meet them, but once she did, it all melted away.

They bonded instantly, and his siblings seemed to love her. It was a successful day for them, and currently she sat in Taehyung's car as he was dropping her back to her apartment.

'I wonder what Apu and Kookie are up to' Y/N said. 'I really can't believe he asked her out finally'

Taehyung laughed.

'About damn time too' he said. 'I still can't believe this day...oh God! I was so scared! See, hold my hand -'

Y/N held his free hand and felt how cold it was.

'Aww' Y/N said, kissing it softly. 'Why are you so cute?!'

Taehyung gave her his famous boxy smile, as he parked the car. He got out of the car and took Y/N's hand as they walked towards her apartment.

'Where's your mask?' Y/N asked.

'In my pocket' Taehyung said. 'It's really late, it's not like anyone's gonna see us now'

'You can't be sure, Tae. Put it on!' Y/N said. 'Come on!'

Taehyung pout before reaching for it in his pocket.

'Shit. I think I left it in the car' Taehyung said, giving her a guilty look.

'I'll go get it!' Y/N said, shaking her head. 'Stay right h-'

Y/N stopped short. So did Taehyung.

'Oh fuck' he said, under his breath.


It had been a casual day for Soobin. Nothing too exciting. Nothing too boring. Just how he liked it. Except for that moment.

He stood staring at his neighbor Y/N, and HIM, open mouthed. Is that really HIM? No it can't be.

'Soobin?' Y/N's voice was shaking. 'I can explain -'

'You can't tell anyone!' Kim Taehyung said, looking equally worried.

'You're -' He could hardly talk.

Soobin was a huge fan of the BTS, and he admired Kim Taehyung. And to have one of his idols in front of him had him overwhelmed.

'Soobin!! Are you OK?!' Y/N asked, touching his arm.

'Holy shit!!' Soobin whisper screamed, his eyes going wide. 'Y/N!!'

'Soobin!!!' Y/N looked so agitated at that moment, he took at a step back.

'Where is his mask?!' Soobin asked, still whispering.

'Dumbass left it in the car!' Y/N said.

'Someone would see him?! How can you be so careless?!'

They were both whisper screaming at each other and Taehying felt so left out that he stepped in.

'I'm here you two!' he whispered to them.

'Go inside!!' Soobin said. 'Open that door!!'

Y/N quicker unlocked her door, and walked in grabbing Taehyung and Soobin in with her.


Taehyung and Soobin sat giving each other awkward smiles every now and then as Y/N made some tea.

'Are you sure you're OK, Soobin?' Y/N asked as she poured them both cups of tea.

'Yeah. I'm OK. I'm just a bit shocked. I've only heard about this boyfriend of yours, I never thought -' Soobin said and Taehyung grinned.

'It's not like anyone's gonna see us now' Y/N mocked Taehyung. 'It could have been anyone, Tae!'

Taehyung whined at her.

'I said I'm sorry!! I won't remove my mask even when I eat now. Happy?' he said.

Soobin grinned.

'Oh God' he said. 'This is so cool! I still can't believe this!'

Taehyung liked him almost immediately. They spoke to Soobin for some more time before he left.

Turning around after closing the door, she sighed.

'You're lucky it was Soobin!' Y/N began her angry ranting, with her hands on her hips.

Taehyung watched her with a smile on his face. Then, he just moved forward to press his lips against her, silencing her. Then, he lifted her off the floor, and carried her to her bedroom.

'Tae, what are you doing?' Y/N giggled.

Taehyung placed her on the edge of the bed and kneeled down in from of her. Taking her her hands in his, he smiled.

'I love you, princess.' he said. 'I'm really not worried about anyone seeing us anymore to be honest...'

'Are you drunk, Taetae?' Y/N asked, pinching his cheek.

He kissed her hand slowly, before putting his hand in his pocket. Y/N's eyes widened as he bit his lip, showing her something.

'I know it a bit too early...but till then...till when I can put a real ring on this finger... I want you to wear this one...' he said, slipping in a platinum ring with a beautiful diamond shining proudly in the center.

He kissed the ring and looked up at her.

'I can't wait to marry you...i can't wait to see baby Taetaes and baby Y/Ns' he said, a pink tint highlighting his high cheekbones.

Y/N threw her arms around Taehyung's neck, hugging him tightly.
He held her as she sobbed into his designer shirt.

'I love you!' she whispered as she cried. 'So much'

'I love you too' Taehyung said kissing her softly.

Y/N lifted her hand to look at the ring, sitting on Taehyung's lap.

'Did you like it?' he asked.

'It's so pretty!' she said 'I love it'

'Mom helped me select' Taehyung said. 'Let's show her...hold it up'

He pulled out his cell phone to click a selfie with her still on his lap.

'Done!' he said, setting his phone aside. 'So... '


'I'm having second thoughts about baby Taetae' Taehyung said suddenly. 'Let's make one now!'


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