Chapter 1

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Please read before continuing.

Please note to self that I am a first time writer. Now people have different opinions. Some may like it, some may not.

This book was an experiment, may be cliche at times, but it has its moments. And please, if you have a talent in making book covers please I beg of you guys, help a girl out.😭

Comments of all sorts (mostly good) are welcomed.

Sooo... sit down, prepare to cringe and enjoy my book:)

Oh, and don't forget to leave a vote.

Okay. Story begins now:)gie



'Roll down your window'.

That was it. Those were the four words that broke the daydream I was currently having.

The scars on my wrist were a quick reminder of why I needed to submit to his command without any hesitation. I really don't think I could handle the pain from his punches today.

"How long until we get there?"even though my common senses were knocking on my brain and telling me to keep my mouth shut, I had to ask and anticipate an answer that may or may not come my way.

"You'll know soon enough."his tone told me all I needed to know. He was annoyed. He didn't even give me a glance from the driver's seat, just kept his hard hazel eyes on the road.

"I just simply wanted to know if we were clos-"

"Tori, don't."my interruption came from the back seat from my nine year old brother, Leo, who I totally forgot was in the car. I looked behind me and saw that he was glaring at me with his dark eyes.

'Don't do anything stupid.' that was what he mouthed, because he knew I couldn't control the words that escaped my mouth sometimes.

'I won't, I promise.' I mouthed back and reassured him, even though I know I might say something that will earn me a blow to the face sooner or later.

"Shut up and turn back around. NOW!"

There it was. The anger that I so dreadfully anticipated.

That was the first time he looked away from the road since we've been driving.

"Yes Malcolm."his name tasted so bitter when being called off of my lips, but I didn't react to the bitterness, only to his command. Turning around and staying in my seat. Not even my smart mouth would dare to speak when he was on the verge of anger.

"I thought I told you that you are to refer to me as sir." The anger kept radiating off him in waves, resulting in me shivering with fear because I was afraid of drowning.

"I'm sorry sir, it won't happen again."

"Let this be the first and the last time it happens. Do I make myself clear?"

I nodded my head as a response.

"I said, DO. I. MAKE. MYSELF. CLEAR!?" he did the exact thing that I've been worrying about. He snapped.

"Yes sir."

"Good, because we're here."

I looked through the window to see that we've stopped outside of a huge house, or should I say mansion. It had to be about three stories.

I gazed upon it through the car's window with my mouth agape, until I finally exited the car with the same stance.

I didn't realize that I was staring so long until I saw a set of hands waving in front of my face.

"Hello. Earth to Tori."

My head snapped to Leo as he looked at me with a blank expression. I shook my head to clear my mind while rubbing the back of my neck.

"I'm sorry. I didn't realize you were standing there."

"I really don't see why you're surprised, we lived in a house twice the size of this before moving here."he stood akimbo, studying me like I'm something that needs to be fixed.

"I know, but since mom died I thought Malcolm would've wanted change, you know. Get a house that has a more homey vibe to it. But I guess I was wrong."I shrugged even though I was hurting deep down inside, looking upon the house that we are now supposed to call home.

"Yeah. I thought so too. But you know how unpredictable he can be."Leo looked around for awhile before looking back at me, and he has never been more right.

"Where is our monstrosity of a stepfather anyways?"

"Probably shouting at one of the movers, but who cares anyways, let's get unpacking, shall we?" I joked, holding out my hand for him to take so we can start this new chapter of our lives together.

"We shall."he replied as we headed towards the double doors together, hand in hand.


'TORI! GET YOUR ASS DOWNSTAIRS NOW!!' my stepfather shouted up the stairs.


Sighing, I left the comforts of my new room to see what he wanted.

"Yes sir?" I averted my eyes to the ground as soon as I caught a glimpse of his cold, beady ones.

"I'm hungry, make me some food. Now."

"Uhm. You ordered pizza earlier. Why not reheat that?"

"Did you just question me?"the grit of his teeth could be heard from where I was standing. The mistake I made then registered within me which caused my eyes to widen with fear.

"N-no sir, I didnt."

Before I knew it, my back was against the wall and his hands were around my throat in a death grip, choking me.

"Don't you ever, and I mean ever, question me, do you understand?"

I nodded.

"Answer me when I'm talking to you!"

Tears started to stream down my cheeks because I could barely breathe. I could feel my lungs fighting for air. How the hell was I to answer him.

"I. Cant. Breathe."I whispered, clutching at his arm that was around my throat.

"I said answer me!"


I finally managed to utter, still fighting for air.

"Yes what?" He taunted.

"Y-yes s-sir."

"Good. Now get out of my sight and gear up for bed. You start school early tomorrow."he then released me and walked away like nothing had happen, leaving me gasping for air like a fish out of water.

"Just one more year Tori. Then you can pack your's and Leo's bags and leave." I whispered to myself before walking up the stairs.

When I got to my room I took a quick shower and changed into my pajamas and crawled into my bed under the covers.

I stared at the picture of my mom I had on my bedside table until I felt sleep finally taking over, but before I let sleep evade me, I whisper the ten words I say every night.

"I love you mom, and I will find your killer."

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