Chapter 6

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Remember when I said time flys?

I wasn't kidding.

It was already Friday. Elijah was ignoring me like the plague and everyone was talking about Vaughan's party.

"I can't believe he would do that. He completely stood me up! Why ask me on a date in the first place." Chelsea ranted.

"Uh I'm sorry. What are we talking about again?"

"DJ. He stood me up, remember?"she rolled her eyes.

"Oh right."

"I mean come on. You can't just ask someone on a date and then not show up."

"Uh Chelsea?"

"Hold on. I'm not finished talking."


"I thought he was a good guy. You know."



"He's coming this way."she turned her head in the direction in which I was looking. Both DJ and Elijah were walking in our direction.

"Chelsea. Can I talk to you?"DJ gave me a quick smile before giving all of his attention to Chelsea and pleaded as soon as they reached us.

"I have nothing to say to you."Chelsea was determined to keep the promise she made to herself and not talk to him.

"Chelsea please, let me explain."

"Explain what? How you asked me on a date and then stood me up?"

"It wasn't like that."

"Then what was it like DJ? Do explain yourself."

"Okay. But could we go somewhere more private to talk?"

"Whatever."and then they walked off, leaving me and Elijah by ourselves. I looked at him and he looked at me. I decided to be the bigger person.

"Elijah, don't you think we should talk about this?"

"Why? So you can shout at me again?"he snapped at me.

"You shouted at me too. But I am sorry. It's just that talking about it gets me sensitive."

"So you admit it? You are getting abused."a little bit of sadness took over his features as he finished his sentence and looked at me.

"I never said that."

"Well then what am I suppose to believe Tori! That you're continuously walking into doors? Huh? And don't think I haven't noticed that you've been walking lopsided for the past few days like you've been kicked in the stomach."

"I-I" I had no idea what to say because I had no idea he noticed so many things.

"Look, I really don't want to argue right now okay? So whenever you're ready to talk, I'll be here."that was the last thing he said before he walked away.

I may have just destroyed a potential friendship.

I sighed and walked down the opposite hallway that Elijah went down. I held my head down as I did, because it was going to be a long day.


"For the party tonight, where are we getting ready? Your house or mine?"Shontae and I were in my car driving home. Chelsea and DJ made up so she hitched a ride with him.

"I don't know. It doesn't really matter to me." I replied.

"Okay. So since you have the big ass house, we'll get ready there."

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