Chapter 5

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Beep. Beep. Beep.

My alarm blared from my nightstand and I reached for it blindly.

Beep. Beep. Beep.

Shit. When I finally found it, I hit the off button before sitting up in bed. Sleep still laced my eyes so I stretched and yawned to get it out of my system but ended wincing in pain.

The bruise on my cheek and the one starting to form on my stomach really hurt.

I got up and went to my bathroom to get a closer look and also to get ready for the second day of school. I took a quick shower before getting dressed.

I put on a pair of black leggings, grey Adidas sneakers and finished off my look with a grey long sleeved shirt.

I wear long sleeves to cover the scars on my wrist.

After, I went over to the mirror to cover my bruise with a little magic, also know as makeup.

A little concealer there and a little highlight here and there you go.

The combination was partially good. Most of the bruise was covered and it wasn't really noticeable that I was wearing makeup unless you were really staring at me, so I decided to leave my hair down in its natural curls to take the attention away from my face.

After I did everything I was to do, I took up my bag pack and my phone before going downstairs.

When I got in the kitchen, I saw Malcolm sitting at the kitchen island reading the morning newspaper and Leo sitting around the dining table.

"Good morning sir. Good morning Leo."I had to start off the morning with courtesy, maybe he'll be in a better mood today.

"Morning Tori."Leo answered back.

"Whatever."Malcolm wasn't so polite though.

"Uhm, what car should I take today sir?"I  asked Malcolm. I didn't want me or Leo to be in this house any longer than we had to so I wanted to leave as soon as possible.

"Speaking of cars, I need to discuss something with you."my heart started to race. What could he possibly want to discuss with me? There was no way in knowing so I took a seat across from him and listened attentively.

"I have a business proposal I need to oversee overseas. I'll be gone for a couple of weeks so you two will be on your own. The maids will still be here to keep an eye on things."the look that he was giving told me that he stood firm by what he said. 

"Even though I'm not here, the rules will still apply, now more than ever. Do not bring your filthy little friends into my house. Do not break the curfew I set out for you, and do not sleep at anyone's house. Do I make myself clear?"he finally ended.

"Yes sir."
"Yes sir." Leo and I responded simultaneously.

"Good. Now I'm going to take the Range Rover, so you're left with full access to the SUV, so please, do not f*ck up my car. I leave at sundown."he didn't say one last word to us. Not even a goodbye. He just got up and left.

As soon as he did, Leo and I looked at each other and grinned.

"Oh my God! The spawn of Satan is leaving!"our grins reached our ears as we laughed and rejoiced.

"Come on Leo. We have to get to school."I did one last chuckle as I thought about all the things I could do while he was away, even though I would be breaking 'his' rules.

Oh well. F*ck it.


Room 234

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