Chapter 7

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"Guess who's back."

"Jodie?"Elijah quickly responded while making his way in the room.

I stared at the blue eyed girl with platinum blonde hair that Elijah was making his way over to.


"Elijah!"she ran to meet him halfway and threw her perfectly tanned arms around his neck. What surprised me though was that he actually hugged her back, just as tight.

"What are you doing back? I thought you signed a contract in Dubai to do two years of modelling." Elijah gushed, with the biggest smile I've ever seen him with since we've met.

"I know, but I decided to quit because they kept dictating what I do in my personal life."she smiled back, her smile mirroring his.

"Well shit. Glad to have you back. I missed you so much."he examined her, stroking her cheeks with his thumb.

"I missed you too Eli."

I thought he said no one else ever called him Eli. Huh.

I decided to remind Elijah of my presence by clearing my throat.

"Oh shit. Jodie, this is Tori. Tori this is Jodie."Elijah introduced us.

The girl, or should I say Jodie, finally looked in my direction. I could see the calculated stare that she had on me as if sizing me up. The fake smile that she then put on as she outstretched her perfectly manicured hand towards me disgusted me.

"Hi. Nice to meet you."

I took her hand in mine. "Hi."

I wish I could say the same.

"Now that that's out of the way, let's get you settled. Come on, let's go downstairs."Elijah linked his arm with hers and led her to the door.

"Okay."she smiled at him with adoration in his eyes.

Elijah only looked back at me when he realized he was at the door and noticed I wasn't in step with them.

"Aren't you coming Tori?"

"You guys go on without me, I'll be down soon."I had to think.

"Are you sure?"

"Yeah. I'll be fine."

He looked at me for awhile, before they walked out without a second glance back.

I sat on one of the balcony chairs for a while just thinking about what just happened.

I was about to kiss him. I felt wanted in that moment. I've never felt wanted before, so the feeling is still new.

I sighed and got up from the chair and went downstairs. When I got to the bottom of the stairs, I decided to go look in the kitchen first to see if I find them in there.

When I reached the doorway and my eyes met the scene portraying infront of me, I stopped.

I saw Jodie sitting on top of the counter with Elijah standing between her legs, laughing and talking as if they don't have a care in the world.

I couldn't do anything other than stand at the door post and just watch them. None of them seemed to notice me, or even if they did, they didn't acknowledge my presence.

"Why are you watching my bestfriend and her boyfriend?"

A voice came from behind me and I turned around and saw a girl I've only ever seen at school twice before.

She had jet black hair and brown eyes. Her figure was almost the same to her 'so called friend' but the only difference was that she was slightly thicker.

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