Chapter 3

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Time flys.

Really fast.

The lunch had already rang and Chelsea and I were on our way to the cafeteria. She insisted for me to allow her to introduce me to the rest of her friends. I wasn't totally sure that was such a good idea but it would be nice if I could find a group of people that I can call friends.

"Oh shit."I noticed my still full hands and paused mid walk.

"What's wrong?"

"I have to switch my books before lunch. Go ahead and I'll meet you there."I told her.

"Are you sure you're going to be alright by yourself?"

"Yeah I'll be fine. Plus this gives me more time to mentally prepare myself to meet your friends."

"Okay. I'll see you in the cafeteria."

"Yeah. See you there."

I turned in the opposite direction and ventured down the hallway, paying keen attention to each number engraved on each locker.

Each locker was decorated in its special way with the locker number being it's brightest highlight and most noticeable feature.

152. 153. 154. 155.

I turned a corner and continued counting. In this specific hallway, lockers were doubled so I had to be looking both up and down in order to not miss mine.

156. 157. 15-oof!

I lost count.

I looked up to see what I bumped into and saw that I walked into something, or should I say someone. The boy's back was to me so I couldn't see his face, but his head was down and it was clear that he was engaged in some activity. I walked around him to continue with my journey only to catch sight of him playing tounge wars with a brunette.

They didn't even acknowledge me because they were so engaged in their heated moment, so I just went back to counting.

When my hand touched the locker and I saw it read 160 I stopped. I was sure I miscounted because my locker was locker 159.

I looked back to the kissing couple and saw them briefly ease off my locker long enough for me to catch sight of the locker number.

Locker 159.

I mentally face palmed myself and lifted my head up to the sky. "Why? Why do you hate? What have I ever done to you?"

I mentally prepared myself and took deep breaths before walking over to them.

"Hi. I'm sorry to interrupt but could you guys probably go make out somewhere else? You're sort of in my way."

They were quick in pulling away and made staring at me their new activity. I locked eyes with the boy and was immediately lost in their blue depths.

"What the hell do you want?"he gritted out.

He couldn't possibly be serious.

"I would like to access my locker, and I can't do that if you guys are busy sucking each other's faces off, now can I?" I don't know where the sass came from. Maybe it was because I had so much bottled up it started to overflow.

"Elijah. Forget her and let's finish what we've started."the brunette didn't even give me a second glance, she just threw her hands around his neck and tried to engage another kiss.

Elijah. Fascinating.

"Not now Cassie." he didn't give her a second glance either, just threw her hands off of himself and held my gaze.

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