Chapter 14

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Tori's POV

"Tori." I heard someone calling me, but I couldn't be bothered to open my eyes.
"Toooorrrrrrriiiii."the voice got louder and more annoying.

I give up.

"Whaaaaaaattt?!"I shouted before I opened my eyes. When they finally fluttered open, I froze. There, standing in front of me was a familiar looking girl.

It was me.

"Ahhh!!!"I screamed and rolled off the bed I was on. I stayed on the floor and looked up at her, "What are you? What do you want from me?"
She just chuckled. The girl that looks exactly like me just chuckled!

I can't keep calling her that. Tori 2.0 it is.

"Ok, first of all, ouch, you called me a what. Second of all, I'm you, well, you in your subconscious state."Tori 2.0 replied.
"You're me? How is that even possible?"when I asked this, Tori 2.0 blankly started back at me, as if saying, 'are you really that dumb?' She then sighed and asked,
"Do you know about the ghost of Christmas past, present and future?"
I shook my head. It's like I couldn't speak. I was dumbfounded.
"Well, I'm something like that. Only difference is that I'm not a ghost."
"Then what are you?"I finally found words.
"I said I'm you."
"I don't understand this. I, I, I want to go home."I covered my face with my hands and placed them on my knees that I brought up to my chest.
"Um, I'm afraid that's going to be a bit of a problem."
My head snapped to her when she said this.
"What do you mean? What problem?"I started to get curious.

What is she talking about?

"Uh...."Tori 2.0 started to look everywhere but at me.
"Just tell me!"
"Fine! Your in a coma."
My eyes widened and I froze. What she just told me continued to swim around in my head. Tori 2.0 just stood there scrutinizing my every move. Contemplating if I was going to run or not.

I'm in a coma?

"I'm in a coma?"I voiced my thoughts. I still couldn't believe it.
"Yeah, you are."
"Wh-wh-how?"I was seriously confused.
"I could show you if you want."
"Show me? How?"
"Come on."Tori 2.0 held out her hand for me to take. I stared at it for awhile until I finally took it. She pulled me up from off the floor and led me to the door that I didn't realize was there until now. When we reached it Tori 2.0 let her hand linger on the door knob.
"I must say, you may not like what your about to see."She warned me before she opened the door. All I could see was a bright white light. I looked to her, asking with my eyes if it was safe. She simply nodded and that gave me good enough assurance to walk through the door.
When I got to the other side, what I saw made me gasp. There, laying on a hospital bed, was me, attached to multiple wires, including a heart machine and there were bandages around my head. There were two nurses in the room also, checking the multiple machines and writing things down their clipboards. Memories from what happened the night I got home came back to me. My breathing quickened, I felt like I was going to get an anxiety attack.
"Calm down. It's going to be okay."
I felt a hand on my shoulder, when I turned around, I was met with my familiar dark brown ones.
"How can I calm down! I'm laying in front of myself in a freaking coma!"my body that was laying on the hospital bed start to shake voilently.
"Tori! You need to stop! You're panicking, it's affecting your well being! If you continue, you won't be able to wake up."Tori 2.0 shouted.
The nurses in the room tried to assess my violent shaking, calling out to doctors for help.

"She's in shock! We're going to loose her! Somebody bring me the defibrillator."

"Tori! Stop doing this. Your hurting yourself. Think about everyone that will loose you if you die. Leo, Vaughan, Chelsea, Cleo, Elijah.
That got my attention. I took a deep breath, but I still couldn't seem to calm down.

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